Need relationship advice. Dealing with a mean controlling woman

I think it’s better if we assume the post are unrelated and about two different women. Then we can give completely different advice depending which post we are on.

Like I’m pretty sure on that other thread his cousin wife has disappeared to be with another man during the week, I’ve heard that other man has a wife that is only home on weekends.

On this thread I’m almost 100 % certain that he probably has been dating a man the whole time. The man likes to dress up like a woman for the weekends only. The man whose real name is Charles is a construction worker during the week and is just too tired to put on make up during the week.

Or it could be ….
Either that or it's a shrewd marketing scheme that Bezos has cooked up
I think it’s better if we assume the post are unrelated and about two different women. Then we can give completely different advice depending which post we are on.

Like I’m pretty sure on that other thread his cousin wife has disappeared to be with another man during the week, I’ve heard that other man has a wife that is only home on weekends.

On this thread I’m almost 100 % certain that he probably has been dating a man the whole time. The man likes to dress up like a woman for the weekends only. The man whose real name is Charles is a construction worker during the week and is just too tired to put on make up during the week.

Or it could be ….

Bitches be crazy.
Surprised scream emoticon (Shocked emoticons)

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A difficult one for you, obviously there's something about her you like.
For me I'd tell her to fuck off, don't allow your heart to rule your head nothing good ever comes out of it.
I have a girlfriend that I have been fooling around with on and off since the age of 15. We finally reconnected 8 years ago and she moved in after a few months.

We fall out alot cause I don't trust her and she does funny things. After 7 years we fell out and she moved with her mother. She had already gotten mean and want no sex. Yelling at me , sleeping at the other end of the bed, getting agrivated when I touch her while we sleep.

She kept staying over every weekend but goes back to her mother's every week for work to take a work van. She won't let me take her to work.eveytime I ask the simplest of questions she snaps telling me to stop asking her questions, but gets jealous and ask me a few questions a month.

Now my sister died she came to move back in, took off work 2 weeks of work for my sister death. I buy her things but she never left until she got her job 8 months ago out of 8 years. She's ran alot in the past but not like this. She's always right, and watch all her shows on tv.

She does things for me but now her daughter missing and I can't use her phone and blocked from her Facebook. But when she's here she's with me all of the time..what's going on.

This thread is completely useless without any pictures of said "girlfriend". Post some pictures and that will help determine which sets of sage life advice I give you.
I have a girlfriend that I have been fooling around with on and off since the age of 15. We finally reconnected 8 years ago and she moved in after a few months.

We fall out alot cause I don't trust her and she does funny things. After 7 years we fell out and she moved with her mother. She had already gotten mean and want no sex. Yelling at me , sleeping at the other end of the bed, getting agrivated when I touch her while we sleep.

She kept staying over every weekend but goes back to her mother's every week for work to take a work van. She won't let me take her to work.eveytime I ask the simplest of questions she snaps telling me to stop asking her questions, but gets jealous and ask me a few questions a month.

Now my sister died she came to move back in, took off work 2 weeks of work for my sister death. I buy her things but she never left until she got her job 8 months ago out of 8 years. She's ran alot in the past but not like this. She's always right, and watch all her shows on tv.

She does things for me but now her daughter missing and I can't use her phone and blocked from her Facebook. But when she's here she's with me all of the time..what's going on.

Remember 'Gimp Man', from Pulp Fiction?
I'm afraid you have positioned yourself in this relationship thusly.
Unless, that is the relationship you crave. In which case ..don your 'ball-gag' and be thankful to your mistress!

Otherwise, listen to the sage words of others posting here and:
Get the **** out of Dodge!

But, what do I know.
Nature treated me too kindly.
It gave me a six inch tongue
And the ability to breath through my ears