Two Dime Tokes 1st CFL Grow Journal


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I water the big one only when the soil is light and dry. i give it way more than 250 ml..closer to 900mls and it seems to love it quite nice!


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This morning all 4 germinated seeds have cracked through the soil. I spritzed their soil and their container with a generous amount of spritzes of distilled water.

Not much has changed with Otishia except some of her lower leaves are yellowing a tad..She is a tough girl though! she'll pull through. I will water her tomorrow.


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I ended up pruning the yellowing it cool to keep them at the top of the plants soil for food? or should i toss them?


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SILLY QUESTION: Would those light reflector that you put inside car windshields when they are parked work for a nice reflector for the plant?


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I can get them for a dollar a piece at my local dollar store thats why im asking..i can get crafty and sew it into a nice dome.. should i DO this?


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Sorry about the lack of updates..not too much has happened. I've been watering the 4 seedling a little bit still every day and they seem to be pretty happy and staying short! They are almost ready to pop their 3rd set of true leaves out. They are doing much better than Otishia did at this age. Here is a pic right before i watered them today.

Now Otishia is turning into an ugly beast. Many of her leaves are yellowing. I think it could be low Nitrogen or just heat stress..Her new growth is still nice dark green but all the older fan leaves just yellow up. I am not too concerend because of the other four I got growing behind. I fed her Mollasses two waterings ago too. Here is an image of the ugly ting!

How long should i wait to pop the four babies into flowering? at the 4th node?


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Sorry about the lack of updates..not too much has happened. I've been watering the 4 seedling a little bit still every day and they seem to be pretty happy and staying short! They are almost ready to pop their 3rd set of true leaves out. They are doing much better than Otishia did at this age. Here is a pic right before i watered them today.

Now Otishia is turning into an ugly beast. Many of her leaves are yellowing. I think it could be low Nitrogen or just heat stress..Her new growth is still nice dark green but all the older fan leaves just yellow up. I am not too concerend because of the other four I got growing behind. I fed her Mollasses two waterings ago too. Here is an image of the ugly ting!

How long should i wait to pop the four babies into flowering? at the 4th node?


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werd. thanks guys. I was getting down on Otishia's yellowing leaves, but I have a feeling she will take off when i start flowering her next week. Thanks again for stopping by!


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DAY 14
Things aint lookin to great in the grow room. I think i have been really underwatering my seedlings..One of them is already yellowy and necrotic looking..should i trash it? Only one I would say is doing good. I went ahead an popped two ungerminated seeds into moist MG soil. hopefully they work.
Otishia is doing okay, her yellowing leaves have slowed down and has been spurting out a lot of new growth. I have been feeding her with some nutes. this is the schedule
water-molasses-water-MG diluted 1/4 strength-water-molasses-etc.. It has been working good. QUESTION: How long should i let the run-off water sit in the tray to avoid root rot?


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DAY 15

I have been keeping up with the watering much better and the seedlings seem to be doing better, I didn't know they needed so much water!!..I still don't know how successful i will be though. They look hurtin! Does anyone know how early to start nuting these bastards? I'm using Miracle Gro. Is it too early?

Now here are the embarrassing headshots!


this one looks to be a different strain

I have a seed stuck in that lil planter..just building up some back up just incase..

Here is Otishia she is doing great. Still not in flowering, but flourishing with new growth and her yellowing leaves have died down to a minimal level. I now have 2 fans in the room to bring down the temps I woke up thismorning and it was reaching 100F!! I was scared!

thanks for stopping by!