two chamber 1,3 x 1,3 x 0,5m setup with 2x 150W HPS + 80W CFL


Active Member
Just made my setup for growing mother in soil and clones till buds in hydroponics (airoponics)

my growbox-01.jpg

Venting system includes:
1. computer fan for mother and clone chamber (think that will be enough because have CFL bulb in there if not another fan can be added.
2.10x10cm fan with dimmer for seed conrol. charcoal filter before fan (not shure that is enough because dimensions are just 15x15cm, will think about where tu place bundle).
For light and sound proof there is labyrinth after fans

The cycle is planned in 3 phases:
0: Mother in soil in chamber 1 with 16:8 CFL light
1: Clones taken from mother to rockwool in chamber 1
2: Plants from clones in hydroponics setup in chamber 2 with 18:6 HPS lights
3: Plants in chamber 2 are swiched to 12:12 lights while in chamber 1 mother is growing for new clones
Return to step 1

Waiting for advice from growers with good experience.


Well-Known Member
the height is not enough to flower any plants in there. i can't see how you can fit a pot with a plant and light above in only 0.5m and the area needs way more light for flowering. i suggest you get a better chamber with more height. for flowering you need 50,000lumens/sq.ft minimum so check your lights lumen output. the smaller the HPS the less lumen/watt it emits as opposed to CFL's. suggest you get a single 600w or 400w hps and not 2 150w


Active Member
This is more like a micro grow project. If I will put in lights with more watt it will lead to high temperature and more costs on vent system leading to higher noise leading to fail the project :)
My point is to use scrog if plants will not have enough height but I will not leave them for long in veg. stage. As soon as roots will be good I will push them to flower that will keep them small enough.

size of usable space:
my growbox size-01.jpg


Well-Known Member
whatever man, you're not fitting a pot, flowering plant and 150w light in 50cm height i can tell you that, and 2 150w can cover like 60cmx90cm MAX or else you will not have good flowers. only trying to help


Active Member
Thanks for reply. I think You misunderstood something! Plant for itself has a 65cm space for height and lighst have to cover 50 x 80cm so it fits Your suggestions. Or am i missing something?


Well-Known Member
you're right, i misunderstood, plant can be kept under 65cm and 2 150's can easily cover your area :) then i guess you're good to go, any more questions welcome ;)