Two caves in one week. Trump is on a roll.

Why is he mentioned in the Quran then? Jesus also loves the 19 million black babies your party has killed since 1973 Buckshot.
Ill take your answer off the air. Got to run. Love you pal
Buckshot I'm done schooling you losers. Ill be back a different day

You really expect me to lay out a fix for the education system?Okay here is a few fixes. Better parenting and stop expecting schools and teachers to work miracles. Push trade schools instead of higher education that only puts the masses in debt. Become a carpenter or an electrician, its a noble profession. Screw common core, get rid of it. I'm not going to cite my sources sis. I waste enough time on you.
Citation please. I really want to know what your strategy is to fix education and social security. I'm not interested in what you think and your paltry details.

For example, what do you mean by better parenting and how would you get them to do that? What measures would they take if the school system decided the parents weren't holding up their end of the bargain? If you don't like common core, what would the right replace it with? What makes this alternate system better? What benchmarks would we use to decide if it is.

You haven't schooled anybody, thus far all you've done is given us platitudes and low content posts. Cite an article, don't try to do it on your own. You aren't up to that level of effort, you said so yourself.

Also, name politicians who you think best represents your opinions?

I ask all this because you claim I don't understand. Well, it's true that I don't understand what you propose because you haven't really said what it is with enough detail so that I can respond.
Why is he mentioned in the Quran then? Jesus also loves the 19 million black babies your party has killed since 1973 Buckshot.
Ill take your answer off the air. Got to run. Love you pal
Allah, aka God aka Jehovah aka The Flying Spaghetti Monster are all myths.


I'm not a Pastafarian either.
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First he over plays his hand and gets owned by Nancy Pelosi and postpones the state of the union address.

Now he's caved and taken the same exact deal to reopen the government that Democrats offered him tree weeks ago.

What a leader.

What a deal maker.

it's The Art of the Deal..
Haven't addressed the tax cut for the rich or the fact the president is a traitor. Sleep well.

Hey genius. Can you cut tax from people who don't pay them? 48% of Americans pay zero federal taxes.
The increase in Child tax credit is up from $1000 to $2000 per child. That is real money for middle America.
You know small businesses benefit greatly from the tax cut? Black women entrepreneurs in particular. Nah you don't care? Didn't think so.
Median household income at its highest point in history at $61,372.
Lowest unemployment rate in recorded history for blacks 6.6%
Lowest unemployment rate in recorded history for Latinos 4.8%
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Hey genius. Can you cut tax from people who don't pay them? 48% of Americans pay zero federal taxes.
The increase in Child tax credit is up from $1000 to $2000 per child. That is real money for middle America.
You know small businesses benefit greatly from the tax cut? Black women entrepreneurs in particular. Nah you don't care? Didn't think so.
Median household income at its highest point in history at $61,372.
Lowest unemployment rate in recorded history for blacks 6.6%
Lowest unemployment rate in recorded history for Latinos 4.8%

How many Americans have kids?
How/where in Asia will Corporations invest the savings?

You have loopholes in your language.