Two 250w hps shower grow

just a few quick updates i finally got around to transplanting them. instead of taking them out of the solo cups and messing with the roots i just cut the bottom of the cup out and stuck it right in the soil everything is running smooth and they love the ffof
some updates...the bigger two are 19 days old..out of 3 i planted that day 2 are female 1 turned out to be make so i put it outside...the two smaller ones are 3 days behind them
Very nice my man!
Thanks bro, stayed tuned this is just a seed run/dial in time...once I get another male I'll take my 2 males n 2 females n throw them outside or in a diff part of the house. After tht point is when I will install the lights n carbon filter. just a simple setup for right now so I can get more seeds n harvest 2 unseeded plants
Yes there is some update pics i took I will post them there 24 days old as of today..out of the 6 seeds I started 1 died and 2 showed male....the 3 remaining are very nice green. They were in solo cups with peat in them and I just put them in the ffof how long do you think I have till I have to start nutes


Active Member
just a few quick updates i finally got around to transplanting them. instead of taking them out of the solo cups and messing with the roots i just cut the bottom of the cup out and stuck it right in the soil everything is running smooth and they love the ffof are u evan an adult?
What's up everybody sorry for the lack of updates I'm out of town on bussiness meetings I will be back tomm or the day after. I will have plenty of pics to post. There looking wonderful
Just somes updates, the biggest are 28 days old and theres one tht is 25 days old. There kind of blurry this pos camera. I'm still away I will be back tomm with better pics