Twitter files

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To say that Clint Watts knows his stuff is a total understatement! Not sure if you're aware but he's actually 1 of the top 25 time lapse photographers in the Hudson Valley. There's literally no better source of Russian disinformation in north america and that's a fact. A true expert of experts on this topic. Not trying to brag but I dmed him and he actually responded 8-). Hope Elon doesn't shut our private conversation down, he's such a broke ass tyrant.

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Look harder.

Clint Watts is a senior fellow at the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University and a Foreign Policy Research Institute fellow.[4] He previously was an infantry officer in the United States Army,[5][6] and was the Executive Officer of the Combating Terrorism Center at United States Military Academy at West Point (CTC).[7][8] He became a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation where he served on the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).[2][9] He has consulted for the FBI Counterterrorism Division (CTD) and FBI National Security Branch (NSB).[10]

Watts has given expert testimony to the U.S. Congress multiple times, including: to the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on April 5, 2016, about the ISIS's November 2015 Paris attacks and the 2016 Brussels bombings,[11] to the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs about ISIS after the Orlando nightclub shooting,[12] to the Senate Intelligence Committee about Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections in a widely reported March 30, 2017 public hearing,[13][14] and before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Cybersecurity on April 27, 2017, about Russian black propaganda.[15][16]

His testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian cyberwarfare tactics made multiple headlines,[13] with Slate calling him "Testifier Extraordinaire" and the star of the hearing.[3] Afterwards, CNN profiled him in a piece where they reported he himself was targeted by Russian information warfare after he documented Internet troll techniques.[2] His comment of "follow the trail of dead Russians" was seen as particularly noteworthy by CBS News, Salon, and The American Interest.

Watts earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Military Academy in 1995.[1][20] He subsequently earned a Master of Arts degree from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in 2005.[20][21]

U.S. Army officer
Watts served in the United States Army as an officer in the infantry.[5][6][22] He was the Executive Officer of the Combating Terrorism Center at United States Military Academy at West Point (CTC).[7][23][8] After the September 11 attacks, he was recruited into the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to help coordinate efforts combating terrorism across multiple agencies.[24]

FBI Agent
Watts worked as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[25][26][27] In this capacity he served on the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).[9][28][29] Watts has consulted for the FBI Counterterrorism Division (CTD) and FBI National Security Branch (NSB).[10]
Peeps on a weed message board praising and communicating directly with FBI agents. Classic!
You don't think the FBI and homeland security have in interest in protecting America from Russian attacks and coordinate with social media companies to make it so? Even fund them for beefed up security? Considering the national security threat and the fact they spread dangerous disinformation, like anti vaccine disinformation that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans it is appropriate. How much should the government spend to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens and their freedom? Both were under threat and still are by Russians and American fools.
Wow I wasn't aware he actually achieved such high stature. and I quote "He subsequently earned a Master of Arts degree from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in 2005".

The way he paints you can really feel the pain of the Ukrainian people. Each stroke of his brush enlightens us of all the Russian misinformation that is plaguing our world.

Furthermore this really hit home "Afterwards, CNN profiled him in a piece where they reported he himself was targeted by Russian information warfare after he documented Internet troll techniques.".

A true troll seeking specialist that crosses all borders with ease. If you say something positive about Russia he will find you, he will draw an oil painting of you, and he will literally expose you in a full 12 minutes segment on prime time CNN. The most trusted name in the news.
Wow I wasn't aware he actually achieved such high stature. and I quote "He subsequently earned a Master of Arts degree from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in 2005".

The way he paints you can really feel the pain of the Ukrainian people. Each stroke of his brush enlightens us of all the Russian misinformation that is plaguing our world.

Furthermore this really hit home "Afterwards, CNN profiled him in a piece where they reported he himself was targeted by Russian information warfare after he documented Internet troll techniques.".

A true troll seeking specialist that crosses all borders with ease. If you say something positive about Russia he will find you, he will draw an oil painting of you, and he will literally expose you in a full 12 minutes segment on prime time CNN. The most trusted name in the news.
I hope that was a joke too, :lol:
You don't think the FBI and homeland security have in interest in protecting America from Russian attacks and coordinate with social media companies to make it so? Even fund them for beefed up security? Considering the national security threat and the fact they spread dangerous disinformation, like anti vaccine disinformation that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans it is appropriate. How much should the government spend to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens and their freedom? Both were under threat and still are by Russians and American fools.

You mean billions, the safe and effective (as proven) vaccine has saved at minimum 4.2 billion lives. I still feel uneasy about people not being forced to take boosters. It's just reckless at this point.

Also where the fuck are those arrows in the grocery stores? Are they trying to make people sick? I keep seeing people walking towards each other and some of them aren't even wearing masks!!!
You mean billions, the safe and effective (as proven) vaccine has saved at minimum 4.2 billion lives. I still feel uneasy about people not being forced to take boosters. It's just reckless at this point.

Also where the fuck are those arrows in the grocery stores? Are they trying to make people sick? I keep seeing people walking towards each other and some of them aren't even wearing masks!!!
It has been documented in studies about America, globally it would have been many millions saved. Better future vaccines will just mean Darwin's work will be done more efficiently on the fools. Things change and ya gotta adapt, failure to adapt can mean death, if covid strains turn nasty, science and those who follow it adapt, anti vaccers do not.
So woke you advocate for the poisoning of children. Does this dead child make you happy be honest. At least she was vaccinated right? She did the right thing? WOKE!

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We have antivaxxer disinformation threads for out of context information, this thread is about twitter.

If you were concerned about children's lives you'd be wearing a mask in public like me. There is a tripledemic of respirtory diseases filling hospitals and killing kids. Masks help and so does vaccinating older children who can be, to protect those younger kids who can't. That's what the doctors and experts say, and only a fool would argue with them.
We have antivaxxer disinformation threads for out of context information, this thread is about twitter.

If you were concerned about children's lives you'd be wearing a mask in public like me. There is a tripledemic of respirtory diseases filling hospitals and killing kids. Masks help and so does vaccinating older children who can be, to protect those who younger who can't. That's what the doctors and expert say, and only a fool would argue with them.

What's out of context from that report from a doctor's office that clearly states the 15 year old girl died 8 days after being vaxxed? Please elaborate and don't just reply with a cbc article.

Also this is the twitter files thread I literally have not seen any of your posts on here that pertain to the topic Mam. Maybe you should sit down and tighten your pussy hat? I mean you're crying about trump and posting about a time lapse photographer expert on Russian disinformation haha.

Here's another one, try not drooling over this report too hard. 10 years old. You must love this.

You don't think the FBI and homeland security have in interest in protecting America from Russian attacks and coordinate with social media companies to make it so? Even fund them for beefed up security? Considering the national security threat and the fact they spread dangerous disinformation, like anti vaccine disinformation that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans it is appropriate. How much should the government spend to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens and their freedom? Both were under threat and still are by Russians and American fools.
Do I think that the FBI is corrupt, and puts politicians above people? Absolutely.
Do I think that the FBI is corrupt, and puts politicians above people? Absolutely.

They literally had FBI agents working in the Twitter office controlling what facts could be posted such as the hunter biden laptop. Btw I strongly advise to not look at the contents of the laptop (the whole data dump was hosted on chinese servers). I looked at it, I literally saw his butthole while he was smoking crack. I still feel sick over it.
What's out of context from that report from a doctor's office that clearly states the 15 year old girl died 8 days after being vaxxed? Please elaborate and don't just reply with a cbc article.

Also this is the twitter files thread I literally have not seen any of your posts on here that pertain to the topic Mam. Maybe you should sit down and tighten your pussy hat? I mean you're crying about trump and posting about a time lapse photographer expert on Russian disinformation haha.

Here's another one, try not drooling over this report too hard. 10 years old. You must love this.

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You should see the mortality rate for aspirin or Tylenol, kills tens of thousands every year. Notice the fine print on TV drug ads, may cause convulsions and death etc.
They literally had FBI agents working in the Twitter office controlling what facts could be posted such as the hunter biden laptop. Btw I strongly advise to not look at the contents of the laptop (the whole data dump was hosted on chinese servers). I looked at it, I literally saw his butthole while he was smoking crack. I still feel sick over it.
Post the source, we need a link to a credible site
Proof, not rumor, they require it for you and you for them, people are saying just won't do.

Proof, since when do you care about proof? You still think Trump is a russian agent for the last 7 years without 1 inch of proof.

Serious question now, have you considered making a pink pussy hat / Ukrainian flag hat hybrid. Imagine half the hat is the Ukrainian flag and the other half would be the same pussy hat color scheme that you're currently wearing. You would stand out in the crowed and might even get a free latte at starbucks. Just a thought.
You should see the mortality rate for aspirin or Tylenol, kills tens of thousands every year. Notice the fine print on TV drug ads, may cause convulsions and death etc.
When I got covid, my unvaxxed ass didn't take any Tylenol or asprin either. I took some vitamins and drank lots of tea and water.
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