Twisty Leaves?

These are the only 3 twisty leaves I found on my 4 babies. this morning I trimmed them off - luckily they were in the way to begin with. Just wondering what might cause this... Genetics? Am I doing something wrong? :peace: All answers appreciated.

Thanks RIU!

Oh Yeah -
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The Setup - Day 35 - Hempy buckets (currently in McD's sweet tea foam cups), pearlite and moss (6:1) with LST -space is limited. (4)6500K CFLs and a 90w LED UFO in stacked rubbermaid totes, 4" fans in/out, stays in low-mid 80s. humidity 40 - 55. I know the temps are a little high, they'll be moving into the much cooler garage very soon, when I add a few more CFLs and kick them into flowering.:mrgreen: I will also cut back to just 2 plants as soon as I know sexes, then only the best will go on.

Thanks Again!
At least it's not just me. that makes me feel a little bit better. what kind of setup are you running?

I also noticed the worst of these leaves a long time ago- but i just waited it to see what would happen. it's roughly 2X the size as when I originally noticed it around day 13 and it seems to be really stunted compared to the rest of the leaves...


Well-Known Member
i got them in ff happy frog soil with a 400w hps and about the same humidity and temp stays at 79-81, also i dont think your temps. are too high i just would make sure not to let it past 85
Just added some pics to the original post... didn't have time before. Is that what you have going on immaking? I've thought about pH.... but i'm using pearlite and the tap here runs 6.3-6.6 so that shouldn't be a problem. Anyone else have an idea???


Active Member
Hempy? Drop that ph to 5.8 or 5.9. Temps? looks like Ph, heat... Im doin some hempy buckets.. I ph to 5.8.. runoff also stays 5.8 to 5.9..
well then.... i thought i was in the right range.... off to the fish store tomorrow for pH adjusters... thanks Waggs! Cute cat btw.