Twisting, Wrinkled, Green Leaves??? Confused... Need Help (pic included)


Need a little help diagnosing what is going on. A 1.5 weeks ago, I transplanted this plant from a 32oz pot to a 2.5 gallon pot. Woke up today to see the leaves twisting and turning, like wavy and wrinkled.

The plant is in soil that is a mixture of standard potting soil with 15% perlite. The other plants transplanted are doing fine.

I did a little research and the closest answer I could find that I think it might be is the PH. I have been using water from the tap that registers a ph of 7. I know that it is a bit high, but figured it would be ok.

Could it be to much of the fan?

Any ideas???



Active Member
I have the same thing happening, but I have been testing/adjusting my PH.
I think it could be due to over-watering in my case.


Well-Known Member
Lack of micro nutrients causes twisted leaves and I suspect it is because your PH is whacked, or your nutrient formula is lacking. Another possible cause is salt build ups and that can be cured with a flush, followed by a light nutrient flush.

Fix that, and you are Winning!


Well-Known Member
Some of my small young plants are looking similar. My EC is around .850 ph is 5.8-6.2 and they are now getting watered every 6hrs for 15mins.

Any ideas?
When plants are that small you only need to water for a second, let the basin fill up to wet almost all of the rocks completly then let it drain. This should take no longer than a couple of minutes, they should not be under water for long this young, but the stones need to remain damp around the basket until the plants devolope a stronger root sructure and then you can start to increase the time the water remain in the basin. Start with 1/4 nutes for a couple of weeks and let the root strucure build in the hydron, be patient the folar explosion will happen soon. Once that starts it is ok to increase nutes slowly and I never soak veg plants longer than a couple minutes, there is just no need, that is saved for flowering.

It would be better to water for 2 minutes every 3 hrs