Twisting new growth

I have 2 northern light autos. Just before they start into flower the new leaves start to twist just on the very tip. I thought it was just one of the plants but as the second is getting ready to flower it appears to be doing the same. Lights are 30" or more away. Turned down to about 80%. Electric sky 180. They look healthy till that 4th or 5th week. Then the new leaves start twisting & the older leaves seem to droop all the time. Temps are between 70 - 77 ,RH between 40-50%. Using coco loco, giga green 444 all purpose, 284 bloom, & fox farm bat guano dry ammendments. Introduced some beneficial nematodes about a week ago just to prevent any fungus nats or thrips. I have been watering everyday to keep the nematodes going but have not been water with as much water. Has anyone experienced the same problems. Thanks.
It looks a little over watered
It could be overwatering, have been watering more then usual to keep the beneficial nematodes alive. Have you ever used beneficial nematodes & if so how moist do I need to keep the coco , can they go more than a day. I usually water every 2 days but I have been giving them a reduced amount everyday.
They look fine. Leaves tend to twist at the ends when they eating something to much, mainly N, but P can have that same affect. Just pull back on the nutrients a bit. If you have a lot of beneficials running around in your pots they are breaking things down at alarming rates and the nematodes are breaking them down. So your plants are getting a lot of food. In addition, nematodes require moist, humid conditions and fairly warm soil to do their job well You are doing things well. Pull back on foods and slowly increase. I would not worry about ph, because with all the activity you have going on in the soil your ph is going to run a little higher. but if you are concerned about ph or if it is to high. you can lower it with earth juice catalyst and still feed your bennies
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What do mean managing it like a soil grow?
The pH used for growing in coco, generally speaking, is not the same pH one would use to grow in a soil / peat based medium. You're attempting to take a medium that prefers a lower pH and treat it as a medium that likes a higher pH and that is the conundrum of trying to grow in coco using dry amendments.
The pH used for growing in coco, generally speaking, is not the same pH one would use to grow in a soil / peat based medium. You're attempting to take a medium that prefers a lower pH and treat it as a medium that likes a higher pH and that is the conundrum of trying to grow in coco using dry amendments.
I used fox farm trio & also tried advanced nutrients. Didn't really get the results I'm getting now. Got less than a 1oz per plant. I can't really fail the nutrients back. Also it was really easy to burn them up & I only used a quarter strength & some of the strains were super sensitive to the liquid nutrients.
I used fox farm trio & also tried advanced nutrients. Didn't really get the results I'm getting now. Got less than a 1oz per plant. I can't really fail the nutrients back. Also it was really easy to burn them up & I only used a quarter strength & some of the strains were super sensitive to the liquid nutrients.
Feather meal, phosphate rock, alfalfa meal, bone meal, blood meal, glacial rock dust, fish bone meal, sulfate of potash, insect frass, basalt, humic acids, gypsum, kelp, ground shells (oyster), greensand.

you mean gaia green yea ?
I used fox farm trio & also tried advanced nutrients. Didn't really get the results I'm getting now. Got less than a 1oz per plant. I can't really fail the nutrients back. Also it was really easy to burn them up & I only used a quarter strength & some of the strains were super sensitive to the liquid nutrients.
reading thru these post some people a bat shit crazy i can tell ya right now the humic does that at a high dose
Remember running a hot organic mix might have had that goin on. Blueberry is great to twist her leaves.