Twister trim extraction

I have a T4 twister that i trim with, in the past ive tried using it for butane extractions, but it has always been very dark and never stable/sticky and gooey.
Is there anyway to extract with this stuff? I have several pounds of it sitting around.
What about an alcohol extraction?
ISO ethanol wash is much easier. I suggest doing it in a deepfreeze with dry ice. Only thing is it comes out green. It extracts all the chlorophyll! Me and many of my peeps love it. I call it Hippie Hash! It's the original extraction method made well known by Rick Simpson back in the hippie days.
Fuck crc trash!! Don’t recommend that shit to people. If your material isn’t good enough to dab you should make edibles period!

You can’t wash a turd and expect good smoke afterwards.
My shit ain't no turd bro, lol! Just harvested many many moons ago. :finger::D
ISO ethanol wash is much easier. I suggest doing it in a deepfreeze with dry ice. Only thing is it comes out green. It extracts all the chlorophyll! Me and many of my peeps love it. I call it Hippie Hash! It's the original extraction method made well known by Rick Simpson back in the hippie days.
Hippies had hash before Rick Simpson. I made RSO before RS.
ISO ethanol wash is much easier. I suggest doing it in a deepfreeze with dry ice. Only thing is it comes out green. It extracts all the chlorophyll! Me and many of my peeps love it. I call it Hippie Hash! It's the original extraction method made well known by Rick Simpson back in the hippie days.

lol doing an ISO wash on machine trim would result in extremely low grade concentrates only suitable for edibles. I love ISO extractions, but they need to be fast and cold and the better the material the better the results. Machine trim is crap material since all the cell walls have been ripped open and exposed.

My shit ain't no turd bro, lol! Just harvested many many moons ago. :finger::D

If your shit isn't a turd then it doesn't need CRC. If its so old that it won't make a proper extract then that is what edibles are for "bro". Next time don't let your material get old and you won't be looking for a fix.
I have recently modified my closed loop hydrocarbon extractor expanding the sample stacks and collector, so that I can use very poor sample quality and still hit the monetary sweet spot. The truth is that when you keep your solvent liquid by maintaining -60C and pushing it through the sample with nitrogen and cooling the sample to a similar temperature the yield is some very very good oil. So pure and good that at room temperature in just a few days crystals will start to form.
Whom ever tells you that you can't get good oil from poor sample just has no idea what they are talking about.