Twin seeds


Active Member
Yes it start to yellow first sometimes in the middle of the leaves new leaf are perfect and after a few day it start to yellow and get brown all the lower leaf and but are already death and it making it;s way up the plant


Active Member
Mutation is the exactly right word, and it's evident in that the OP is having trouble with the TWINs.

All twins are genetic mutations. Think of identialcal twins. A sperm fertilizes the egg, the egg has a genetic mutation causing it to split in two. Boom twins caused by mutation. Now that is not to say the result is a MUTANT, as most twins I've met don't seem very much like the x-men.

Just pop a new seed.

Sorry I disagree. In Biology, twins are not considered a mutation. Twins occur when a fertilized zygote undergoes division and divides an extra time. A mutation is an ERROR in DNA replication. Just because a cell undergoes an extra division DOES NOT MEAN an error has occurred in its DNA replication process.

Now, to the OP, I would refrain from assuming there is some genetic inferiority in your plants, why dont you check, or describe, your conditions i.e pH, nutes, lighting, etc.


Active Member
I have my plants outdoors here is summer whole year so there's alot of sun 45 liter pot nutes I use b'cuzz base powder PH 6/6.5 etc but like you said I think it' like you sad genetic inferiority because the clones that I cut is showing the same problems although I doing hydro drip system back to reservoir my medium is gravel all the other plants are nice no problem what so ever only the clones from that twin seed plant


Active Member
I have my plants outdoors here is summer whole year so there's alot of sun 45 liter pot nutes I use b'cuzz base powder PH 6/6.5 etc but like you said I think it' like you sad genetic inferiority because the clones that I cut is showing the same problems although I doing hydro drip system back to reservoir my medium is gravel all the other plants are nice no problem what so ever only the clones from that twin seed plant

Maybe it is genetic inferiority. All im sayin' is that you should make 100% sure all conditions are the same AND that the problem isn't due to some other condition. I would hate to see a good plant go to waste because of an assumption.

Did you take clones of the other plants? If so, how are they doing?


Active Member
Yes I did take clones of the other plants they are doing great no problem what so ever. 1 other thing nothing to do with these plant problem what do you know about that dark black like mold on stems that leads to death of branches or the whole plant I having problems sometimes when I keep a mother plant like about 5 to 6 months and when I decide to let it bud after a few week in to blooming it gets that black mold i call it and it starts to die