Twilight, Brainstorm, Cali orange bud, 400w hps


Well-Known Member
Glad I found this grow. Dutch passion has such beautiful weed. Cant wait to see the final product. Very interested in those 2 strains.
Im growing a DP strain right now to.

Somone comment in my journal for christ sake! Ive made hella entries and not a amn person has commented. I dont understand it. same thing with my last grow. Not a damn person payed attention. and hardly any visitors.
Its kinda funny the same thing is happening.:confused::bigjoint:
Glad to be subscribed though!

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Glad I found this grow. Dutch passion has such beautiful weed. Cant wait to see the final product. Very interested in those 2 strains.
Im growing a DP strain right now to.
Nice one for stopping by. If your interested my other White widow grow journal is also Dutch passion and my next journal which is starwberry cough and skywalker is DP too. Found they are a quality seed so sticking with them. Ive germinated 17 seeds and 100% germ rate even if some were smaller than others.


Well-Known Member
i am getting a 400watt HPS and was wondering how many plants you could fit under it, after seeing your journal i am extra excited to get it. sick journal and i like your name. reppppalooza

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
i am getting a 400watt HPS and was wondering how many plants you could fit under it, after seeing your journal i am extra excited to get it. sick journal and i like your name. reppppalooza
Story man. Nice one for stopping by. Well at the moment i have a 1m x 1m grow tent with the 400w hps. In my tent theres 8 plants of different ages. I think I could have put one more in at an earlier stage before the space was taken up by the others. 9 i feel would be the maximum. However after a lot of reading I decided now to move up to a 600w Hps. Apparently they are the most efficient for electricity. The bulb Im getting supplies 90 000 lumens. It is also the ideal size for 1m x 1m. . If i was you and it was feasible Id go for the 600w straight away. The use half as much extra electricity as a 400w but have double the output. I never thought id move to a 600w but in my strive for more buds i have. Just think id be better going straight for the 600 rather than wasting money on a 400w and moving up at a later date.

take it theres some Irish heritage in you somewhere with that name.



Well-Known Member
cool thanks for the heads up, im on the lookout for 600w
actually my name was taken from the lawyer who defended oliver north i think, but most people call me brandon which im used to but some people call me brenDON which is kind of weird.

brain storm and twilight sounds like some crazy strains. are you crossing them with the WW, talk about one hitter quitter


Well-Known Member
the # of plants u can fit under a light varies alot

if ur plants r small u can fit more
but if you scrog or sumtin u can have just 1 plant use all that light an more

depends on how u grow yanno

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Well i have a little problem at the moment. My 5 ww that are in with my 2 twilight and brainstorm i think are hermies as i found some seeds in the buds. Dont have the space to quarantine them so they gotta stay together in the tent. The twilght are now taller than my white widow. they have sprung up loads in the last little while. Heres a few pictures i took when i had them out for a feed. Plenty of white hairs seem to be forming so thats a good sign. Hope they dont get pollinated or turn hermie.

From left to right. Twilight brainstorm twilight white widow

Tallest twilight by itself



Well-Known Member
I cut down 4 hermies my last harvest and some of those pollen sacks are way up in the bud where you cant see them at all. I imagine you could carefully trim off all the pollen sacs you can find.

mr west

Well-Known Member
it will be smokable, just not as potant as if it wasnt polinated. The plant uses energy on aking the seeds that could of made more thc or canaboids. It wont be that much diffrence, itll still be a nice smoke

mr west

Well-Known Member
Did u not read it in his 5 white widow girlies post, che has been busted by he rozzers, which im sure urll agree this sucks big fat hairy sweaty salty bollocks.


Well-Known Member
dude wtf?

did u not read my post?
like almost 2 weeks ago he sed that an i sed it sucked that hed gotten hermies and whatnot

i specificly said that u were rite and his shit would still be smokable just not as gud

its been 2 weeks so im just askin how his shit is doin
aint no need to get all up in me 4 dat

mr west

Well-Known Member
sorry if u thought i was havin a go i wasnt at all jus thought u didnt know che got busted thats all. Is this grow not in the same place as his white widow?


Well-Known Member
So did the fem seeds turn hermie? And how did you get your plants to grow that fast? Its takn me about 2 months from seed until I flower at 20-22 inches.


Well-Known Member
mr west r u talkin bout some other thred or sumthin? i dont see nothin bout gettin busted here

anhedonia theres lots that makes plants gro faster or slower
how much light u got, how much u feed, etc

mr west

Well-Known Member
che paddy has two jurnals, this one and 1 called 5 white widow girlies. a link to it is in his signiture, in that he tells of a bust dude

mr west

Well-Known Member
it must of been taken down by the Admin for some bizarr reason, im not shitting u che paddy got busted and all his crop has been seized. I wish it wasnt true and i wish che paddy would come back and tell us whats going down but wish in 1 hand and shit in the other and see wot gets full first lol