TWEED 21.7% Unpasteurized Tilray=Monsanto

Do you think Bob Marley wants to partner with Tilray who employs ex Monsanto ex DEA ex FBI ex RCMP

  • No, Bob is against DEA

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Equal rights.. No Irradiation.. good news right..Tweed is out of the doghouse now with bud that some LPs and people here think is impossible to grow. It passes all the contamination tests and it was produced in a greenhouse. Nice job for showing everyone that it can be done. Now the bar has been set. Whoever wants to be an LP now must reach that bar in a greenhouse under natural light. 21.7% Grown Under the Sun Contamination Free.

Tweed will never be out of the doghouse. They invented it!

You fucking shill, cocksucker. Don't come up in here thumping your chest like Tweed just set the bar so fucking high it can't be surpassed. It's still FAR from top shelf weed. Big fucking deal, they FINALLY pulled a crop or three that work. That's the achievment, NOT that they set any new highs, ya dumb cunt!

Fuck Tweed and what they call weed.

Oh, and fuck you, too!

Edit: Just realised, I'm a late arrival to this party. So what!
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21.7% Under Glass Not Requiring Irradiation is a Great Achievement for Tweed. It shows other LPs and Health Canada that a Greenhouse LP setup can Produce Disease Free Potent Medicine. This points out what can be done and what should be expected of each LP. Irradiation should not be an option when this is possible.
Tweed: was this grown in your greenhouse? You claimed that you would be clearly labeling all strains grown at tweed farms image.jpg
You're either lying then or you still haven't released any of your November harvest... Weird eh? Takes a while to irradiate a whole greenhouse. Wonder what %of that harvest is ever going to make it to sale?

Fuck you tweed you bunch of hacks!
21.7% Under Glass Not Requiring Irradiation is a Great Achievement for Tweed. It shows other LPs and Health Canada that a Greenhouse LP setup can Produce Disease Free Potent Medicine. This points out what can be done and what should be expected of each LP. Irradiation should not be an option when this is possible.
how much do they pay you to shill thier inferior meds to sick people?
Tweed anounced today that the first greenhouse batch from Tweed Farms has been released. That means the few clean batches were from the Hershey factory under HPS. Also the two first strains released from the greenhouse were both Irradiated. No Clean Greenhouse crop for Tweed Yet. We will soon see if anything made the mark.
No Clean Greenhouse crop for Tweed Yet.
Figures......dirty weed sellers....
According to Pierre....its make up what ever lies you like day.....
so come on everyone make up some more..Truth's about Tweed
Looks like Tweed is back in the Dog House after the announced DECEMBER IS GOING TO BE A BUSY MONTH, resulted in only 2 greenhouse strains released Both Irradiated indicating that the TWEED Farms Greenhouse is Contaminated. They will have to attempt a successful greenhouse crop next year.
ok for real though, i smoked pot for ten years before becoming an mmpr patient, none of that shit was QA tested or irradiated and i'm fine. this is just some fucking bs. we've all probably smoked shit that wouldn't pass the QA protocol and probably a lot of it. i still hate that Tweed irradiates because other LP's have proven that it isn't a necessary step and continue to produce compliant batches.

I guess what i'm trying to say is, Tweed should be able to meet protocol without irradiation because other LP's have in very similar settings. But we've probably all smoked tons of shit that would never pass QA tests and we're still here.
the green parts aint the meds.
.....You grow shit green get shit green shawg with EXTREMELY LOW SHIT COUNTS of meds!!
Grow good bud. Get good meds.
Simple shit!!!