Tweaker Bob


Master of Mayhem
We all know one (hell I used to be one:lol:) so lets hear the stories.:blsmoke:

There's this dude that works at the grocery store right up the street from me. Everytime me and my girl go in there, there he is, running around like a damn fool. Last night he was trying to sweep the floor, bag groceries, and answer the phones at the same time. The first time I seen him there he was in this major rush to get my groceries bagged so he could go outside and smoke. I was like "Dude, either slow down on bagging my groceries because your murdering my shit, or just go away and I'll do it myself". He just looked at me with no response and kept going...but a little slower this time. This guy is obviously doing meth or coke, I just can't get over how damn ridiculous and annoying the guy is. I look at him and think..."Wow, that used to be me". :neutral:


Well-Known Member
thats crazy, honestly meth isn't big here at all i don't know anyone that uses it or heard of anyone having it or doing it all my life even in high school. Coke is big tho lots of people use


Well-Known Member
Meth is a fucking disease that can't be cured by modern medicine. My hometown is now completely engulfed in that shit. My hometown is very small, so whenever anyone cooks meth, we can smell it coming from the mountain. Terrible stuff. I have only done it once, and even then it was accedental. Back in the days of my youth, when I was really too nieve to know anything about weed. So I go over a neighbor's house, she gets a bag from one of her friends on that mountain. It looked fine to me, the only strange thing I remember noticing were the bluish looking crystals that was on the weed. I smoke a bowl between me and 3 other people. It wasn't until way after that I realized that weed had been laced, with meth. Not the best. Can you picture a ditzy little teenage girl, a light-weight, inhaling all that mess? I freaked out when I realized I couldn't focus on anything. The only thing I could actually hear or focus on was my own heart beat, which had to be off the charts. Like Michael Jordan was dribbling


Well-Known Member
with my heart. I seriously thought my heart was going to implode. I was scared. My friend sat me in front of the air conditioner, where it only got worse. The air was shrill, it felt like thousands of needles pricking me in the back of my neck. I don't know how I ever came down from that. So what's the lesson? Don't buy weed from people you dont know who live on a mountain and cook meth. *nods*


Well-Known Member
I was threadin with someone last night about this....I was a meth addict for 10 years and what I miss the most about it ....Meth Ho's....them chicks will do anything you can think of....all you gotta do is suggest it....Good times man..yep good times


Well-Known Member
thats crazy, i hear its heavy in the US, i dont think it would do well here we have our fair share of crack heads so i guess it mite in the city, all the suburban people smoke or get blown around here


Well-Known Member
The Differences


What's different this time are the solutions that his congressional colleagues are promoting. The first comprehensive federal anti-meth law, enacted this year, focuses on cutting off the supply of the chemical ingredients used to make the drug — not on toughening punishments for dealers or users. "There seems to be more of an emphasis on shutting down these meth labs and trying to figure out ways to treat these addicts and then get them back into flow of society," says Cummings, a Maryland Democrat. "We don't get for crack or heroin that kind of support for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation."...
Lawmakers in both parties consistently characterize meth addicts in more sympathetic terms than they describe crack addicts, and they are showing far less enthusiasm for imprisoning users than at the height of the crack problem two decades ago.... Although lawmakers almost always rebut the notion, their own rhetoric suggests that race is an essential — albeit, perhaps subconscious — reason they are treating the two drug epidemics differently.

Some sociologists and criminologists say the racial component is obvious. "The difference is, meth is a white drug," says Daniel F. Wilhelm of the Vera Institute of Justice, a New York nonprofit organization that seeks to reduce racially disparate prosecutions. "You don't see any pictures of young black men and women described as the face of meth," said Marc Mauer of the Sentencing Project, which advocates for overhauling sentencing law — a reference to the before-and-after mug shots that sheriffs' offices and lawmakers often display to highlight the physical toll of meth addiction.


Master of Mayhem
Oh I see what you are mean the differences in which the "addicts" are treated as far as rehabilitation and their overall image to society.....Am I right?????