TV personalities you cant f'in stand.


New Member
OK the sham-wow guy and the exercise guy (what the fuck is his name) but had me laughing my ass off. I hate those guys too. What is with the sham-wow guy and the madonna headset? Could they not afford a boom mic?


Well-Known Member
OK the sham-wow guy and the exercise guy (what the fuck is his name) but had me laughing my ass off. I hate those guys too. What is with the sham-wow guy and the madonna headset? Could they not afford a boom mic?
Dude omg epic, the sham-wow guy makes me want to rip my own ear off, he says the same shit over and over and over.:evil:


Well-Known Member
yeah well if you watch the commercial and he pours that soda out on the carpert square and its all over the counter surrounding it, somehow magically before he rolls his shamwow all the stuff just dissappers, whered all the soda go??? the shamwow hasnt even touched it yet....i call bullshit

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
yeah well if you watch the commercial and he pours that soda out on the carpert square and its all over the counter surrounding it, somehow magically before he rolls his shamwow all the stuff just dissappers, whered all the soda go??? the shamwow hasnt even touched it yet....i call bullshit
It's not bullshit, it's a miracle.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I HATE all the douche bags you all mentioned (except Rachel Ray… I like her!) Let me just add on a few others who I’d like to empty a magazine into…..

David Caruso – Hands down, the worst actor on the planet! It’s actually painful to watch him… I have to change the channel.

Gayle King – A.K.A. Oprah’s best friend. I can’t remember the last time I saw such a no-talent boil riding on the butt of a famous friend. She actually has a recurring guest host spot on Oprah’s show…. I guess because no one else will hire her.

Debra Messing – I actually used to like her… until USA decided to run commercials for ‘The Starter Wife’ a bazillion times a day. Every time I see her face and hear her voice on one of those stupid commercials I literally throw up a little in my mouth.

The ENTIRE Hogan family – Skanky, sleezy, white-trash gutter rats would actually be too nice of a description for this bunch.

All the women on the View (ok… I like whoopi… but the rest should be flushed down the nearest toilet… including BawBawah!)

The following reality show train wrecks should just stand on the tracks and let the train run them down. I’d consider it a gift to the world: Dustin Diamond, Chyna Doll, Jeff Conoway, Kim Kardashian, Flava Flav, Brett Michaels, Bridgette Nielsen, Omarosa, DaBrat and Janice Dickinson.

I’m sure there are more I’ll think of as soon as I hit POST… but right now it’s time for dinner and a bong hit. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Adam Carolla, Ryan Seacrest and Ross the Intern (from the Tonight show with Jay Leno).