TV Addiction


Well-Known Member
Welcome TAA (Television Addicts Anonymous) I propose a support group for anyone who wants to rid themselves of this vile scourge.

I'll go first...

My name is Jointsmith....and I am a reformed Television Addict.

I used to watch up to a couple of hours of TV every evening, sometimes more on the weekends.

I've been clean for over 4 months now, no relapses.

I no longer let corperate advertising programme my brain for profit and gain, and I no longer have to see the fear creating propaganda spewed out by the Mainstream Media in order to keep us under control.

I'm a lot happier, and I feel more FREE than I ever have before.

Glad I got that off my chest.

....Who's next?...We're here for you.


Well-Known Member
I love my dvr---I haven't seen a commercial since---want to talk about the movie heat---I just saw it :)
Yeah that is a great movie, Movies are great, a form of art.

Actively choosing media to view is a human right..... addiction to being passively fed media is what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
hardly get chance to watch tele. when i do theres usually crap all on. few funny things on at night though.

never end up watchin tv on the weekends. always busy.


Well-Known Member
hardly get chance to watch tele. when i do theres usually crap all on. few funny things on at night though.

never end up watchin tv on the weekends. always busy.
And when there's Crap all on do you turn off the TV, or do you vegetate in front of Crap?

I don't want Crap in my eyes, or my brain.

Just found an interesting quote....

Low Alpha Waves
Low Alpha Waves: Causes: Radiant Light
"While watching television, the brain appears to slow to a halt, registering low alpha wave readings on the EEG. This is caused by the radiant light produced by cathode ray technology [CRT, LCDs also?] within the television set [increases serotonin levels?]. Even if you're reading text on a television screen the brain registers low levels of activity. Once again, regardless of the content being presented, television essentially turns off your nervous system."
Television: Opiate of the Masses


Well-Known Member
"Alright junkies, I know you don’t like staring at long strands of motionless text, and I know it’s a struggle for you to analyze and comprehend the meaning of complex sequences of words. But if you give me just a few minutes, I will let you in on a little secret that marketers and governments have been relying on for decades. That television you watch every day, your secret best friend, is an addictive opiate, and not only that, it’s one of the most potent mind control devices ever produced. And I’m not just basing this on intuition. I have the neurological evidence to prove it."

Quoted from >>> Television: Opiate of the Masses


Well-Known Member

i dont watch it if theres crap on. my gf watches it though.

and the last post made my eyes bleed! paragraphs m8!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
down with the one eyed monster robber of conversation! popcorn for the eyes. im with you my friends tell me im weird for not having a tv in my living room they ask stupid questions like where do you point your furniture to?!!?!?


Well-Known Member
I nearly broke over the weekend, was staying with my parents.

Managed to just play some Guitar Hero on the Wii instead though....
