Turning lights on for couple mins in veg stg when the plant is in the dark hours,bad?

I veg my plants 24/7 and my power went out for about 15-20 mins like two times back to back. Is this okay? Will this stress my plants? Pls help.
Most of the people on this thread haven't even logged on in yeeeeaaaarrrrsss lol
Your plants will be fine.
I've heard that green light you can work in the dark phase with , I personally use 730nm to work under during lights out. I also use 730nm to counter react any pin hole light leaks.
I love they fact that new members ACTUALLY USE the search function.... however, resurrecting dead threads should be refrained. lol. Soo many times do i get three pages in only to see its from 12 years ago. Lmao. Just start a new thread and if need be, reference the old one.