Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's


stays relevant.
hay thebigbink ur mom lets u gro? how ole r u bro? my mom sad i can try marijunana when i turned 16 but im tharteen and do it newayz

newayz nice gro i hope 1 day i will be as good as urs! :D


Well-Known Member
why do yall have to insist on hating so damn much? isn't this a community for marijuana smokers/growers/infatuaters to come together as one and share ideas and experiences with one another, not bash them down. I find it pathetic that the ones that claim to be the "Adults" are the first to react and stoop down to the "Younger-child" immaturism level. Guys, actually smoke some weed and get over your own problems for a minute.


Well-Known Member
says the guy thats growing weed in his little brothers room at his parents house and whos probably below the age limit of this site. so let me get this the police show up and find plants, your mom gets the legal trouble, your little bro gets disciplined and you get to go on to fail another day?


Well-Known Member
oh im def. legal enough and apparently slightly more educated than the folk who have come on to my thread and showing their acts of hatred, whats the basis of this? I understand criticism but shit. Like i said its pathetic. You must have something better to do with your time i hope.. :]


New Member
Its not your house, not your rules. Just because people on this site smoke and grow, does not mean we are slimebags, and I think that kinda the point of this site. The fact is that growing in their house without their consent is a slime bag move. When you have your own place, grow away.. your willing to destroy your family because your wanna grow some shitty mini cfl grow? You need to think about the consequences of your actions, in other words, grow up you snot nosed brat. No matter how much your emo ass hates mom, she is putting up with you somehow.. Show some respect to her you piece of shit.

Edit: just saw you legal, good on ya. but that changes little. Its her place. respect her rules, period!

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Wow, heated thread, i Won't touch the moral issues of a grow without the person's consent, thats your choice, however this is a site for info so i think the only way your ever gonna get any kind of grow is to get those temps down. get an output, get some a/c, move the plants, whatever you gotta do get those temps down soon or youe planst will die!


Well-Known Member
thanks Dj. i installed the 6"pc fan for intake.. its dropped the temps back down.. stays stable around 86 degrees F. night time the temps are fine.. and i've decided to move the grow out of the crib but keep the journal going. Unfortantely i went with the comments of the others that i claimed to be hating but after this wake n bake i realized they were actually only trying to help "Protect" instead of put down.
Anyways like i said the move is gonna take place within the hour, i am using the original sized set-up as before give or take a couple inches each way.

Plants have shown good growth within the past 2 days or so looks to be all over healthy looking children.. I'll have pics up in a moment before we start taking everything down.


New Member
Good on ya.

For me personally, no hate. Its just a touchy subject due to past experiences.

Good luck with the grow.


Well-Known Member
I understand dude..

just got back home

The move was fine.. just within the past couple of hours there has been growth and on the bigger one new growth is appearing. Said i'd get pics up so i will.


Well-Known Member
Ya know its going to really really stink, like someone is smoking a fat joint in your face as soon as you enter the place. Does your buddys mum know?


Well-Known Member
alright so heres an update.. said i'd get pics up so here it goes from the past couple days..

The First 2 are after the move to my buddies apt. Day 2

Next 4 are from Day 4

And the last 6 are from day 6..

How yall think they're doing?



Well-Known Member
Im sure your parents work hard to keep a roof over your head .. this is a really nice way to show them how much you respect and love them...

Disrespecting their home is really fucked up. esp for a few plants that might turn out a 1/2 ounce even if you bring them to finish (but I doubt that ) Its just wrong , Dont you feel guilty at least a little bit ?

Now you bring em too another friends .. Be a MAN get your own place and grow .