Turn ons and offs..............go!


Well-Known Member
What's up guys. Just looking to chat and have some fun. Daily. Here lately I been into some new Sexual adventures and really just having fun and some things just really turn me off lol but I would like to start with a turn on, a confident woman is a huge turn in for me. Usually women with confidence know what they are doing and they are not shy, they don't mind taking charge and getting what they want . I find that very hot. Chances of finding that female in my age group is almost non existent.
Turn offs. Bad teeth lol grandma underwear, doesn't know how to cook, uneducated, bitchiness, I can't stand a person talking shut about other's. I don't got time for dat. Later
I dont know about you guys, but a stinky pussy is a turn off to Me.

If it smells like wrotten fish, I would advise you stay away, lol.

Turn offs. Bad teeth lol grandma underwear, doesn't know how to cook, uneducated, bitchiness, I can't stand a person talking shut about other's. I don't got time for dat. Later

That about sums it up man.

I'll add hairy arms to the list.
Please speak english if you speak to I. On another note wheres my sexy ladies! I need a strain to make my cock grow come on! I have yet to cum on a girls face, any takers? Lol jk. cheers

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Lmao. Classic name. Man we got some funny people here. The world today is so different than that of 1950's.
A big turn off for me is a woman who swears a lot.
Seems like being ladylike are a thing of the past. I work with some women who have mouths worse than truckers. When they talk, they are loud, crude, and ignorant. I think it is much sexier for a woman to be quiet and polite, instead of attention whores who cant seem to formulate a sentence without inserting random obscenities into it.:cry:

As for a turn on, gotta love a woman who can cook. Nothing is more enjoyable after smoking out than pussy, and food. :hump:
on: femininity - things like soft hands, soft skin, smells nice, has good hygiene, confidence, healthy, is punctual, clean

off: really tall (5'7"+), excessive hair, unusual/unexpected smells, burps/spits and acts proud of it, can't drive for shit, is always late, eats unhealthy and never exercises but complains about being overweight (wut?), general stupidity and entitlement I guess..
[h=1]"Sad, but one day our kids will have to visit museums to see what a lady looks like..."[/h][video=youtube;KAErj3_yIVA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAErj3_yIVA[/video]
"Sad, but one day our kids will have to visit museums to see what a lady looks like..."

I do, today! A "lady" is someone who grew up in my moms generation.. I don't know anyone I would classify as "a lady". I think feminism has a lot to do with it.. Honestly, when was the last time you saw a woman wear a dress..? Probably a wedding or something formal right..?

Meanwhile, from my experience, they constantly complain about things like shaving their legs or cooking/cleaning.. (when I cook/clean all the time, as I understand it to be a normal human aspect of life, they seem to think it's some kind of punishment or something..)

I dunno where we're going, or how we got here.. but I don't really like it.. as a single guy, the situation is definitely not conducive to wanting to establish a relationship..
For me:

Turn offs: selfishness, not taking it upon themselves to be a 50/50 team player (no need to remind the other half that you matter too), mental activity that stops at celeb news and the ipod, no genuine interest in herself, us and I, does not put the effort out for groceries, cleaning, chores because let's face it-chores are easy and even fun when stoned a bit drunk with great music. Laziness. No drive for the future in every aspect of the word.

Turn on: soft touch, nice pheromones, natural hair growth (I love to be touching My girl (not in a weird possessive tone) and all she is), recognizes your 13 hour work day (as she stays home to relax) with a warm dinner and sweet kiss-not a back-breaking dinner, just a nice one. Down to grow green in your bedroom, lol. Similar sexualities, not necessarily libido but same "style" of sexual desire (ie, passionate vs. s&m, etc). Intelligent and curious, likes to experiment with growing food to living in a tipi for short stint. A girl who is attracted to who you truly are and finds it you even sexier. A girl's laugh can be very sexy! Their eyes and how soft they feel to your hands when your alarm just went off at 6:30am for work. How they smell and how it lingers in your sheets. You can get stupid drunk and stoned together and still have a great time together. One who's goals are in sync with yours and who builds you up so long as you do the same. You know, they are pretty much a solid turn on in so many ways :-)