Tube Growing


Well-Known Member
Hello again RIU. I want to tell you about a new form of growing that I just experimented with. Its called tube growing. Pretty much its growing in a circular room instead of a rectangular room. The reason I like it so much is that the light all reflects back into the middle instead of into corners and all that good stuff. Since all the light reflects into the middle that equals less light. I have a 2 month old mother under a single 26w CFL and she is still growing rapidly. I just thought that I would let other growers about this. :D bongsmilie


Active Member
Pics or it never happened :p (just kidding).

I was thinking about something along these lines (and indeed discussing it with a mate earlier), I will be really interested to see pics of the setup and to hear how this progresses, nice experiment imo. Good luck with it mate, the science is sound for sure, I was thinking of a mylar coated 'flexi mdf' structure that was held in place by belt devices so you could expand or contract the radius according to plant size, if you get my meaning, so it might be 3 times the length you need for your smallest radius and it wraps around like a carpet, allowing you to expand as the plant bushes out and add more lighting.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
on this planet we call it vertical growing
and that system you a talking about sounds like tha heath robberson system


Well-Known Member
For me I just got some of those car reflector things and wrapped it in a circle, and like you said, I put little straps where the two sides meet. And I would post pics but I don't have a camera. Lol. Don't forget to cut holes for your fans. :)
And the reason I tried this is because I wanted to try every kind've grow. Haha. I didn't have any success with a pc because of the temps.


Well-Known Member
on this planet we call it vertical growing
and that system you a talking about sounds like tha heath robberson system
No, imagine looking down a pipe and putting a plant at the bottom and hanging a light at the top. That is how I'm growing.


Active Member
You see what he means though? It removes light falloff by always bouncing at an even distance due to being a tube and seems to me to be a great solution to maximise lighting from CFLs when vegging.


Well-Known Member
You see what he means though? It removes light falloff by always bouncing at an even distance due to being a tube and seems to me to be a great solution to maximise lighting from CFLs when vegging.
+rep for you my friend. You are great at explaining shit. Lol.


Active Member
Cheers, you got yours for the idea (and mad MS paint skills). I was discussing with my mate earlier making modular boxing with octagons (slide panel expansion) for vegging and then you hit on the best solution, good old pi.

I'll definately be following this through with my next bit of home carpentry.


Active Member
Solid base, with circular cut to fit the wall of your tube, same on the top, 4 upright struts at 90 degree points on the outside of the circle, screw your wooden tube to those, screw base and lid board to those, seal it with some caulk, line it or paint it. Should be pretty sturdy if you use 12mm board for base and lid, 6mm board for tube wall and 40x40mm for your uprights.

At least, that's what I'll be doing ;)


Active Member
Again though, pics or it didn't happen :p

Make sure to show the world when it's built, I can't do anything til payday personally but this is the design I'm going for.


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky because I just got my money that my grandmother put in my account for me to get when I turn 35, so I got 75k to spend on this. Well 15k because I invested all the other. Lol. But as soon as its built and perfected I will post pics.


Active Member
Mental! Nice one, dude, you could build a frickin space shuttle with that!

If I had money, I wouldn't have decided to grow my own weed to save a few quid, and then I wouldn't have been enjoying this hobby, really got the bug.