Ttystikk's vertical goodness

Yip I happen to agree, but I think thats his handlers pushing that agenda, hes just the batshit crazy motherfucker who everyone thinks is doing it (and is easily blamed). I don't claim to know who his handlers are but I know he doesnt control shit.
That would be Bannon.
I hear that particular pest can be hard to get rid of. Once they get into your garden, you can't really get rid of them. You basically have to move 50 or 60 miles.

Hopefully, you can find a way to keep them manageable. I suspect they are here as well. Just a matter of time before they begin appearing.
during the "election" it was made to look like the "democrats" didnt want that crazy moron in office, all a sham. Now there is someone there that people love to hate so the powers that be have a scapegoat to blame shit on, and he's such a fucking moron he doesnt care, tis all greenbacks to him.....
during the "election" it was made to look like the "democrats" didnt want that crazy moron in office, all a sham. Now there is someone there that people love to hate so the powers that be have a scapegoat to blame shit on, and he's such a fucking moron he doesnt care, tis all greenbacks to him.....
He likes seeing hs ugly mug.
He thinks ppl watch his show because they like not laugh at him
hey ttystikk just stopped by to thank you for your input as my grow is really shaping up thankful for the bassman too now about the government...... well at the end of the day the people are still the people & government is still government I imagine as the Declaration of Independence was being signed money was changing hands just the tip of the iceberg
hey ttystikk just stopped by to thank you for your input as my grow is really shaping up thankful for the bassman too now about the government...... well at the end of the day the people are still the people & government is still government I imagine as the Declaration of Independence was being signed money was changing hands just the tip of the iceberg
I'm fighting the good fight.
I'm worried about being flagged for my electric's hard to explain why a mobile home is using about $275 worth of electricity a month. Ty......were you using a "smart meter"? How much juice were you using a month to get tagged?
I'm worried about being flagged for my electric's hard to explain why a mobile home is using about $275 worth of electricity a month. Ty......were you using a "smart meter"? How much juice were you using a month to get tagged?
My bill was over 5 times yours.