Well-Known Member
Free webinar from Dr. Ingham, be there or be square:
In the early 2000's I was working in Sacramento and went to Corvalis for Elaines classes, was very eye opening. I took the Basic Microbiology, Composting and Compost Tea and the Microscope classes. They were great, I was the first Golf Course Superintendent she had every had in her classes.
Have you heard of or tried EM, after I took her courses I became of big user of organics on my course. I have been mixing compost in my sand mixes for topdressing greens and tee's prior to meeting her. But after the classes I began making/buying/blending compost and custom tea's for all areas of the facility. Started using EM in the process in about 2002. When I left California in 2008 I was using near 80% organics on the course. Had cut my fert/chemical budgets by about 55%.
I still use both compost and tea's on my place since I retired. I raise my own herd of composting worms. It's hard to get good compost here so I buy a well made vegan compost and use my vermicompost with the vegan to make my teas. I have not used any commercial fert on my garden since I moved here 7 yrs ago.
I would love to do and organic outdoor grow.