Ttystikk's vertical goodness

In spite of frying them early in the run, they're swelling and putting on plenty of weight. In addition, they're wicked frosty and the scents are strong and nuanced. Finally, the buds are rock hard- even the resident fluff bomb, bubblegum, has dense nugs!

So, no records will be set this run, but there is much to be said for the lighting being forgiving of this grower's fuck up.
i've probably asked you this before but roughly how long do you veg to get them that tall to fill in the whole screen?

If all goes well they fill in the top foot of the screen after they've hit bloom. I'm currently taking three months or more to grow a bloom ready plant- and that's a month too long.

I'm switching to coco for awhile to gain consistency; I just keep fighting the rdwc too much. From what I can see, I may be able to shave as much as a month off the cutting to day one of bloom time, and that added vigor translates directly into better yields.
well in this case sure, but im talking about the iVape and iClips and iCookware and iMaxipads and all the other shit branded with a little i to boost sales that has nothing to do with phones at all.

For the record, I'm totally with you. This thing is legit 'i' compatible material or I'd be every bit as ruthless in my scorn as you would be, lol

EDIT; ...and that lil fuckin "e" thing, too!
45 days they look really good<,-----------

could you mention how many watts of cob you are using in the same area as
how many watts of HID?
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