Ttystikk's vertical goodness


That's reclaim water, it's coming from the units that remove moisture from the air. If the room is sealed, there's nowhere else for all that transpired water to go, right?

So, into the barrel it goes. But since it's been transpired, it's pure water. Hence EC 0.0 on the meter. So why not mix your nutes into THAT? Damn straight, that's why there's two cans; the reclaim water drains into one while the other holds the nutrient solution. Use up the nutes and strangely enough, the other barrel is full and ready.

CLOSED LOOP. You not only don't need an RO filter, you barely even need to add water at all.

I add dry nutrient salts, very easy to do in such soft water.

I add co2 in the form of tanks, monitor, controller and regulator.

Sealed room agriculture is pretty nifty. Who knew?
So that steady stream of water was coming directly from the air handlers. It is the amount of water, in real time, that the plants themselves are transpiring. This is a fairly direct measurement of their metabolism. It's a stream here...

Get it?
Will this water production increase as the Temps outside drop? Or does this some how balance out bc you draw the excess heat off for home heating?
Will this water production increase as the Temps outside drop? Or does this some how balance out bc you draw the excess heat off for home heating?

SEALED ROOM. Nothing in, nothing out. The plants are pumping the water from their roots to their leaves, bring nutes with. The leaves transpire water to stay cool while they photosynthasize light into sugars for them to use in growth.
This is ttystikk's reclaim, return and reuse world;

The condensate water is reclaimed and reused for fresh nutrient solution, the heat is reclaimed by the chiller with hot gas recovery system and reused for home heating and domestic hot water.

No, REALLY. RIGHT NOW. This ain't no science fiction, it's happening now at my crib.
So I'm feeling stupid again tt, this isn't the system that provides cooling to your garden via a water chiller that I assume sits outside?