And... Hang some of those upside down planters from the roof and you got all six sides...
Sent from Northern Colorado.
@ODanksta: does your brother have more specific numbers? You said way more frost and since that's a large part of the eventual dry weight, the wet weight had to be much lower.
Perhaps a BHO run for both bulbs will show different results and it may be at least a good bulb for resin production.
I tried the topsy turveys indoors.. it was ehhh. if I could redo my room..and put in a bunch of ceiling support beams so that the weight of the soil from the plants hanging from the ceiling were supported properly it would of been ok.. but I tried 1.. it did ok.. but the thing grew straight up anyways.. just did a U turn.. lol... it was ok. but not great. but.. I had a friend try it outdoors.. he hung them on tree branches.. and got a QP per plant.. hidden in trees.. but he had to do a lot of tree pruning to get them to have enough light.. to grow good.
And... Hang some of those upside down planters from the roof and you got all six sides...
Sent from Northern Colorado.
What are you pulling per light? That is if you don't mind me asking, ive built cages like this for tomatoes outside, the problem that i had was i couldn't get inside the cage to pick the damn tomatoes. Now MJ is different, but is it a bitch to do maintenance?
We're pulling over three # a light right now, we think that four per is a reachable goal as an overall average.
I built an access for people to get inside and do maintenance and plant training, but it's hard to move around in there because the bulbs take up the space. Getting those out of the way would make it much better.
I have another question, i have not seen your lighting set up. I think you are using glass tubes and icebox's. I don't like iceboxs and because of the whole chiller thing, i just feel that you using so much electricity, doesn't that offset the profit? That's the reason i like soil, no water chillers, pumps, rez changes or meters needed. And shit you in colorado isnt it suppose to be cold
This one first; I use water cooling as a replacement for AC, plus it cools my RDWC water and even dehueys the space for free. Oh, and it's 30% more efficient than AC for cooling, so I'm not sure where you get that I'm spending extra?
No glass tubes, it's bare bulb vertical. Lamps are 860W CDM, protected. Spectrum is pretty nice for HID:
View attachment 3240107
Two bulbs in the silo, stacked up the centerline. Just four plants up the outside... we're getting up to 1-1.5# now (the average is lower, but that's due to old problems still working their way thru the system) and we are working to get two apiece soon.
The Iceboxes are too small, so we upsized;
View attachment 3240114
That should work better.
Just to clear up any doubts about the efficiency of water cooling; I've been running three rooms with four of the above BARE BULBS in each one... all of them run twelve out of twenty four hours, and just one two Ton chiller has kept up with all three. Through the summer.