Ttystikk's vertical goodness

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member

The biggest plant in my first COB LED run, a Chem Sour Diesel, officially weighed out to 32 zips, on a da nose.

That's pretty sick, man. 2lb per plant indoor, especially with that small of a footprint, is nothing to sneeze at. I'll be interested to see how the COB flower stacks up against the HID grows of the same strain. I better make a trip back there soon, you know, for research. :D Cheers to you and your crew.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty sick, man. 2lb per plant indoor, especially with that small of a footprint, is nothing to sneeze at. I'll be interested to see how the COB flower stacks up against the HID grows of the same strain. I better make a trip back there soon, you know, for research. :D Cheers to you and your crew.
Opinions are unanimous that the COB LED grown product is denser, frostier, smells stronger and is extremely potent when compared to the very same phenos grown under HID.

If folks say the only advantage to using COB LED lighting is to reduce their power bill, I'd say they're missing the best part!


Well-Known Member
Opinions are unanimous that the COB LED grown product is denser, frostier, smells stronger and is extremely potent when compared to the very same phenos grown under HID.

If folks say the only advantage to using COB LED lighting is to reduce their power bill, I'd say they're missing the best part!
So when are you gonna share what this setup looks like?

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday Tittysticks. Wish I had more time yesterday. I couldn't make it up there.
So when are you gonna share what this setup looks like?
I drove umpteen-hundred miles this weekend to see it, but I didn't take pictures, it is verböten. There are reasons he's not sharing the COB setup yet. but I've seen them in action in person. Very cool stuff! I only took pics in the CDM-lit areas. The thing you don't realize is just how big those fucking trees are, at least I didn't. The main stems are over 2" in diameter, probably 3" or more and they are 6'x4' walls of colas.
You should be pulling more sure I mean is that 5400 supposed to equivalate to roughly 6 hps?
It wasn't all 5400 watts on a single plant. I don't know how many watts he has per root system, but yeah, not 5400 watts.