Trying to think about the logistics of 150l reservoir


Active Member
150l is beginning to big

150l of water is 150kg

I live in an apartment . Ideally I'd have 2 tanks filled one ready to go for change over .

Filling 150l stealthily in an apartment twice and emptying and pushing totes around my be a bit sketchy .

I could use a hose attachment and fill the tanks in tent . A syphon would be just as sketchy when clearing the reservoirs .

Shuttling 150l of water into the kitchen in an apartment seems sketchy .

What you reckon ideal tote size for this set up

Don't want to be changing res too often

Will have a secondary tote ready to change over

Need something easy to empty
Don't know your system but I used to have a 100L DWC in the tent on a frame about a foot and a half off the floor, it had a garden hose stop valve underneath and when I needed to empty it I would attach one of those expandable hoses and run it down the hallway into the shower. Next to the tent I would put an identical reservoir but with valve low down on the side, onto some chairs up higher than the tote in the tent, and run the hose from my kitchen faucet to it, then fill it, mix it, PH it, then using a smaller hose empty it into the tote in the tent. Gravity does all the work. Then I would store the 'mixing' tote under the other one inside the tent which also acted as a storage tub for nutes, hose, and Ph meter etc, and as a safety in case the top tote leaked.

Shuffling large reservoirs around even on wheels is a pain in the ass, one mistake and everything is wet, the water sloshes around plus you still have to empty it somehow etc...
I stopped carrying and dragging water around years ago. Just like hidden gems said, a cheap pump and some hose gets the job done with no effort.