trying to start grow cfls

yo guys im thinking about setting up a cfl grow and was looking into getting 2 of the maxlumen 200w cfls.Also would all i have to use is a mogul socket or do i have to attach it to something. Also ow many plants could i grow under 400w cfls. I was looking at growing 2 big plants or 4 small ones.



Well-Known Member
I'm not an expert, I'm only on my second grow..but I would maybe go with 2 medium plants some indica strain, maybe try some autos?
As for the light you need a mogul socket and a some kind of a reflector would be nice.
How big is your space?

I did two plants (autos) just under 320w of cfl's and I think I got good result for my first grow using cfl's.
You can see my first grow in my sig.

Good Luck, and have a nice and "sunny" day.