trying to sex

hello its my first grow as you could guess. its day 11 of 12/12 and im seeing hairs all over the place on what looks like 11 out of 12 plants. then i just read a post with some pix and the guy was saying its a male for sure and it had hairs does any one have some good pics of calyx development of a male and a female or can help me out. the pics ive found on the web are not all that good.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok when mommies and daddies love each other very much.....

im just shittin ya lol if its hairy its a girl if its hairy with pods its a hermie if its just pods its a boy, daddio
that's the thing i'm new at these i'm in mi i have 12 plants it looks like 11/12 were female i'm super happy about this but also a little surprised i could not have that good of luck. i had some heat problems for like a day in early veg it got to 90 or so in my room so i'm really worried about Hermies.


that's the thing i'm new at these i'm in mi i have 12 plants it looks like 11/12 were female i'm super happy about this but also a little surprised i could not have that good of luck. i had some heat problems for like a day in early veg it got to 90 or so in my room so i'm really worried about Hermies.

Ye 11/12 is pretty good luck, but who says you can't be lucky. Anyway i wouldn't worry to much about getting Hermies, unless your putting alot of stress on your plants and you have irregular light conditions....:bigjoint:
thanks guys i hope to get pic of all my plants in the next day i have to run out of town for the day so it wont be till tomorrow but ill get them up. it makes me feel better having someone reevaluate my judgment. being a first timer i keep second guessing myself. shit maybe ill have enough time to do it today.