Trying to Salvage this Grow


Definitely overthinking medium ... HF out of bag floats around 6.3 ( ish ) ph out of bag ....
All you have to do is match the medium as far a watering and feed mixes - 6.5

Dolo needs time to break down and under most circumstances with HF or FFOF the prebuffer gets in soil already is enough.
EVERYTIME you run a runoff amount of water through it , you leach / unbalance it. The soil needs very little.

FF nute schedules should be taken with a grain of salt as those amounts listed can be too much and it is better suited only as a guide .
FF nute lines will salt up fast with heavy excess. Starting at 1/2 strength is a good base line , also not every bottled nute listed is necessary. The brown spots are from ph swings , which continue as you continue to flood medium.

Since you are in bloom , run a 1:1 mix of ( 1 tsp of Gro big and tiger bloom ) at 6.5.
Small bump to nitro , let plant settle in on ph and then run tiger . Also I would add a scoop or two of fresh HF on top soil and water in when container goes dry. Try to rebalance the medium and let it do the work.
Thank you! This was one of the most helpful posts I’ve read on multiple sites, concise and knowledgeable...will give this a shot and be back!