Trying to replace my HID with LED

Alright, so I'm LEGITIMATELY debating between the different wattages of AdvancedLED.

I need to know, specifically, what each different wattage is capable of. How many plants. How much bud per plant. I have decided I AM GETTING an AdvancedLED system. Just need to know which one yet. Don't need any further opinions, please I know everyone has their own opinions on things and I really just am set on an AdvancedLED that idea is not changing. I just need to know the exact capability of each one. I have the ability to afford up to 300W, but I'm honestly thinking of just getting one 100w for now and just keep buying more as I continue to get more money. Plus I can imagine it's better to get more than just one light anyway.

So, What can I do with 100W of AdvancedLED? Anyone?

Say I want to grow 4 plants. I don't intend to grow them like most people would probably expect. I do not go beyond 1 month of veg, alot of the time I don't even do that.2-3 weeks sometimes. Soil grows so you know they're not getting big. What I have now in terms of what I'm growing is just perfect for me. I have 4 plants, they vegged for 1 1/2 months and my tallest, a pure sativa Hawaii Maui Waui is at 24 inches at 12 days from first signs of flower. I like my plants small and I'm not out to supply the neighborhood, just growing head stash, that's it. Judging by this, anyone wanna take a crack at it?

I see a lot of people are out to tell me that I'm not going to be able to expect the results I'm going for, but I also don't think everyone quite understands that I basically grow my plants as if they are being grown through a SOG, except not nearly as big of a scale. I just don't let them get very big at all. I have two plants that are 12-14 inches. I have a Northern Lights that's just an absolute baby at a total whopping 4 was topped at the very last moment from having a growth mutation that I allowed to continue up until last minute and what I was left with was 4 inches of northern light female. It's the cutest little thing honestly. I also have that Hawaii Maui Waui that's 24 inches...which is WAYYYY too big, I honestly shoulda topped it right before flowering I feel like. AT ABSOLUTE MOST I'm looking to get maybe 1oz per plant. Anything beyond that is truly a blessing taht is not expected whatsoever. That's all I'm going for. If I have to reduce from that, that's fine. But my goal is to grow 4, maybe up to 6 plants as if they're only one. That should give people a general idea of the amount of space I'm covering and whatnot. I probably should have been clear about this in the beginning that I really am not going for full-blown plants here. If anything, I'm just growing to get myself just a small amount of bud from strains I've been dying to get my hands on for ages.
Is the panel youre referring to rated at 100W or actually draws 100w?
My first LED purchase was a Blackstar 180 UFO and before I ever used it I orderd another.
I grew with both of them twice
and saw that I needed more light in my 4x2x5 area. I did loose 1 led light during my second grow and near the end of the second grow I also lost a cooling fan on the same unit but I can still get fan to start manually...... They did what I wanted them to do but I was worried about their reliability.
So after the second grow I researched more and decided to purchase a California Light works Solar Flare 220 upon receiving the new light the difference in the brightness was very noticeable. I quickly rearranged my set up and installed the CLW in my room and was throughly surprised how much of a difference the new light made . I won't reccomend a particular light but what I will say is I wish I had invested all the money I've spent on the 3 lights on just this point it's about $800.00.......I understand that everyone doesn't have available cash to fork out for a top of the line LED system but You can make due with one of the lower end units as well it all depends on what you can afford.......!
maybe get 1 light now, then at flowering time pick up an all red ufo booster. that's what I did and splitiing the cost over a couple months was nice
Definitely take your time. You have a 600 watt hps right now that works fine. This shit is so god damn expensive. I've already blown thousands of dollars and months of time studying this shit. Don't buy twice.
You need about 35w/sq ft of efficient LED. About 45w/sq ft of epi-whatever (typical Chinese import light). Those numbers change depending on how tall you grow. If you were in a short space, it might be 30 vs 38. For very tall plants it might be 40 vs 55.

I don't know what Advanced uses. I don't think they use top bin like Area 51. But, I'm sure it's much better than epi-whatever diodes.

You can go higher than these numbers to maximize the output from your space. But, past what I've described is diminishing returns.

With optimal watts (as I described) you can get 1g/w. If you throw more watts at it (maximizing output from your space, not from watts), it might be 0.7g/w.
Honestly, I'm not looking for absolute perfect results by any means. I'd even be happy with half of the production of my HID at this point. I just want to be able to close my closet without making an obvious ventilation system and so on. I'm trying to keep stealth into consideration obviously. If I can get the same as my HID in terms of even .5g /w I'm beyond golden. Even half that would have me ecstatic. I'm very much set on LED right now, so I will be getting a 100w advanced LED for now. Even if I gotta use my HID long with for now-that's fine. But eventually I'm switching entirely to LED.
Efficiency of the diodes used relates to how many watts you have to use, how much heat is generated. I've grown with an epi-whatever UFO (85w actual) and got 1g/w. But, it wasn't an optimal use of the space. Only 85-95g in a 2x2 space.

So, yes, you can trade watts for lower yield. You'll have a cooler space. But, still, higher efficiency diodes will make it even cooler. I.e., they might let you use more watts for the same heat. Or, produce more bud for the watts.

You're on the right track, balancing watts, heat, yield. Advanced are better than inefficient epi-whatever lights. You can always use Cree lightbulbs sold at Home Depot to supplement. (I'd do that before supplementing with cheap chinese imports if heat was my concern.).
Yeah, I'm not necessarily looking to cover every square inch of my floor space here. I'm litterally using maybe 2x2, and that's really pushing it. It's probably smaller than that of actual space being used for the 4 plants that I do have, so again, I am happy with how many plants I have now and don't intend quite yet to increase my production. I would like to keep it the same as I have now, and that would keep me happy enough.

With all of that said, I am, in all probability, going with an AdvancedLED 100w system for now. Or if I could find a used one, maybe a 200w...unless it's really not advisable to buy used.
If your rich! Buy Apache Tech! If your poor like me buy Area51! Really isn't any quality options out there for the price of A51!