Trying to minimalize shock


Active Member
Ok, I have some plants in party cups right now, but there are bugs in the soil that they are growing in currently. I was going to use chemicals to get rid of the bugs, then I found out about neem oil.

I need to transfer anyways since they are getting big in their cups, plus the soil I had available at the time they were planted was Miracle Grow, which I know isn't the best choice, thats why I want to put them in better soil.

My draw back at the moment is, I don't want to send my girls (hopefully) into shock or stress them out... So whats the easiest way to solve this issue???

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
You are going to shock them regardless. First off, next time practice aseptic techniques, such as sterilizing your soil. MG is known for having eggs in it and when you water they come to life. Second, when you transfer, those bugs will still be there even if you are changing the soil, you are just giving them a new home. There something about using soapy water and something to catch the bugs with, but just search around and find a way to get rid of them. And to answer your transferring question completely, I use peat moss cups with transferring until the last pot, they dont go into shock because the pot is natural.