now give your self bad rep for being negative, yes what you said is negative, lead by good example, the mirror reflects you know....
ISO is fine so is butane i have made both several times the most important part is the evaporation, with butane you can boil it in a room temp water bath in like a few minutes, ISO evaporates the fastest at 40% humidity and 98* on a heating pad for 48 hrs after that the negatively charged isotopes in the alcohol are gone and that is what makes you go blind, green dragon can be made with any good grain alcohol add your buds sweet leaf what ever and pack the bottle full shake twice a day for 45 days stored in a dark spot that's cool, after that enjoy shot that will make you very loaded with a good buzz, you can make pain compresses with the trimming from harvest by mixing with a little ISO and making a weed cake and applying directly to pain area ie knees lower back elbows etc. works almost immediately, canna butter is easy to make buy a few pounds of quality butter i like land-o-lakes with out salt melt butter add the weed bring to boil reduce temp to simmer for the next 6 hrs and sir often strain through cheese cloth or silk screen in to large bowl put in frige over night to seperate in to layers pour liquid in bottom remelt on stove and then pour into jelly jars and seal and let cool and save for winter enjoyment