Trying to Legal


Im fairly young, about to turn 21, and not really sure if I qualify.

I maintain a pretty healthy lifestyle and I dont have any debilitating medical condition... I just like to smoke every day. It helps me relax, not get too stressed, and emotionally maintain an even-keel.

I guess what I am asking is do I need to have records of some serious condition or can a doctor help me with that? I know Michigan isn't nearly as lax as California is or anything.

I finally have came up with the money to get a card but I don't want to throw down $100 for a doctor appointment if nothing will come from it. Please let me know!
This is pretty much my situation.

I also hate dealing with crappy dealers, and I swear no one in Detroit has anything to sell. I've been dry for about 2 (Going on 3) weeks now.

My Doctor is anti-pot so I need a good place to get my rec.

I only have 200$ to my name right now and I would prefer to get some bud, then apply for my card, but that looks like it's not happening so I guess, I'm taking a forced 30 day T-Break.

If anybody could help me out and give some advice or refer me to a doc it will be much appreciated. I'm not sure why, but I can't send PM's so if you could just name the place and any additional info I need I can google it (Not sure if giving out doc info is against the rules here or not)

Tranquil Garden

New Member
So you don't have any medical condition that actually requires medical marijuana, but you want to become a "legal" user.

... and you wonder why they are trying to amend the legislation.


So you don't have any medical condition that actually requires medical marijuana, but you want to become a "legal" user.

... and you wonder why they are trying to amend the legislation.
I have really bad social anxiety disorder. I've taken pills for it but it only makes feel sick.

I also have really bad Insomnia . I'm lucky to get 3 hours of sleep a night.

I also you to have these really bad back pains. Advil did nothing, and as a friend suggested, I tried MJ and it stopped it. (This happened about 2mos ago). I never went to the doctor for it and the pain stopped but I feel it slowly coming back.

As far as I know, none of these are covered in MI medical MJ laws.

No I don't wonder why they try to amend the laws. I know why. It's not because of people who want to use it for rec purposes. If that was the case they wouldn't have passed it. It's not like the people who voted for it are changing their minds and wish it was legal again. It's the people who never wanted it passed in the first place. Republicans and Greedy Democrats who wish to have it illegal for personal gain.

Please sir/ms, don't be a troll. Assumptions are nothing but lackluster generalizations. Meaning they don't even have the beginning basis to withhold a valid point to their argument, which in turn, makes you luck idiotic by you fail attempt to be the voice of reason or the one who is "right"


Well-Known Member
And not trying to hate, but if you only have 200$ to your name then why spend it on pot? Why not put it towards gas for getting to and from work, or groceries? Again, no disrespect but Tranquil is right too man. It's pretty shtty to be faking the system with something as sensitive as MMJ at this point and time.

Find some seeds, get some CFLs and grow your own. She might not be medical, but she's still sensi!



And not trying to hate, but if you only have 200$ to your name then why spend it on pot? Why not put it towards gas for getting to and from work, or groceries? Again, no disrespect but Tranquil is right too man. It's pretty shtty to be faking the system with something as sensitive as MMJ at this point and time.

Find some seeds, get some CFLs and grow your own. She might not be medical, but she's still sensi!
I get paid every two weeks working as a digital artist at a local photography place that's in walking distance and food is not really a problem for me. I'm not spending all of my money on pot. I'm spending it on getting legal. I'm not faking the system. I have problems, but I'm just not sure they are covered by the law.

I wouldn't know because I have no experiencing with growing, but wouldn't paying for the setup plus the seeds be more expensive than 200 bucks?


Well-Known Member
Mental disorders such as anxiety are not covered under the law. Pain is, but only if it's severe and chronic. My guess is that if you've went at least two months without getting it looked at, it's not severe and chronic. Also note that the law does not state severe and/or chronic it, it must be both. Lastly, you can get certified without medical records at your own risk. I know around where I live they've put several doctors in jail for certifying patients with no proof of past issues. If your doctor is sitting in jail for reasons stated above, I'm sure the prosecutor will not hesitate throwing the doctor's patients in jail right alone side him/her. Get some proof that you have back issues from a chiropractor, or another doctor first. Once it is proven you have pain, it will need to be proven that it is enough to qualify as severe and chronic. If so, then you're golden.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
All I did was tell the doc the truth about my pain and didn't even get to tell him all of what is wrong/hurt.. I never needed to show him proof and I hope the state does a little research on my medical history because I know I qualify for MMP.. I've been dealing with pain ever since I was hit by a car before I was 10 years of age among many other accidents in life such as broken bones, back pains, motorcycle crashes, car wrecks and so on.. lol.. I'm happy to be breathing, and to be an MMP. Good luck.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
So you don't have any medical condition that actually requires medical marijuana, but you want to become a "legal" user.

... and you wonder why they are trying to amend the legislation.
Why don't you come on down off that high horse of yours and join the rest of us.


New Member
Mental disorders such as anxiety are not covered under the law. Pain is, but only if it's severe and chronic. My guess is that if you've went at least two months without getting it looked at, it's not severe and chronic. Also note that the law does not state severe and/or chronic it, it must be both. Lastly, you can get certified without medical records at your own risk. I know around where I live they've put several doctors in jail for certifying patients with no proof of past issues. If your doctor is sitting in jail for reasons stated above, I'm sure the prosecutor will not hesitate throwing the doctor's patients in jail right alone side him/her. Get some proof that you have back issues from a chiropractor, or another doctor first. Once it is proven you have pain, it will need to be proven that it is enough to qualify as severe and chronic. If so, then you're golden.

Hope this helps.
Those drs had to have done some thing else wrong, because police cant interfere with dr patient confidentiality. Its the hippa law. Perhaps a cop got his card and busted the doctor. It will cost more like 275 after certified mail and money orders.


New Member
Get out of here drifter! We don't need people like you. Why don't you jump off a diving board into a shallow pool. Maybe then you will qualify for a card.
Why don't you come on down off that high horse of yours and join the rest of us.
because unlike you and the ones that "liked" your post, we have real legitimate conditions that qualify for medical marijuana and the mere fact that some are here looking for a cheap easy way to get a card is doing "us" a dis-service.
So while you are your buddys go around with pictures of "Stoner Smurf:" and think its funny, to us it isnt.

You are committing fraud trying to get your card without a condition and I for one hope you get caught.


Well-Known Member
This seems to be a pretty emotional topic of discussion here and I have comments regarding both sides:

1: There are many patients who do have medical conditions that mj provides relief for which are bullshitedly (my own word) excluded from the language of the law (insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc...). Is it inappropriate to deprive these patients of a natural medicine that provides them relief? Morally, no. Legally yes. See how right doesn't always mean legal and legal doesn't always mean right? I do believe these patients have a right to a natural plant instead of man-made (mostly poisonous & addictive) pharmaceuticals....the law just isn't quite there yet.

and my thoughts on the opposite side of the issue:

2: I don't feel the law should be abused by anybody who doesn't qualify but the list of qualifying conditions is workable in many ways. If you are truly suffering from a condition which mj provides relief for, then there may be a way to get yourself legal legitimately. If you're just some individual with no medical need for mj & looking for a buzz (not against that btw but read further)....don't hurt the legitimate cause and instead just keep going through your buddy down the road as this law wasn't meant for you.

(2) A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces 1 or more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe and chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy; or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis.

For instance: I've taken a sleep medication for 7 years which is on the brink of being recalled due patients coming up with type 1 diabetes, uncontrollable muscle spasms / twitching, and a myriad of other unpleasant side effects. For 7 years I've dealt with severe muscle spasms as a result of my sleep medication and the only drugs the docs could give me were highly addictive and I couldn't tolerate them any longer (soma / valium andybody?). MJ takes my spasms away, stimulates my appetite, and allows me to sleep a full nights rest...not to mention keeping my severe bi-polar disorder under control. At first glance though, you'd say I don't qualify but under further examination of my medical history, I do indeed qualify.

If your anxiety issues are so severe that it causes severe and constant nausea, you qualify; if your depression so severe that you can't eat and maintain a healthy weight, you qualify; if you have severe and chronic pain, you qualify. Some people who are trying to be legitimate patients just don't know how they may qualify so we shouldn't be so judgmental in assuming that an individual is just trying to 'skirt the law' because they have questions to ask. Perhaps some people just need guidance to determine if they can become legal if mj does indeed help one or many of their conditions. If not...there's always that dude down the street :)


Well-Known Member
So you don't have any medical condition that actually requires medical marijuana, but you want to become a "legal" user.

... and you wonder why they are trying to amend the legislation.
How about they work on real problems like the prescription drug epidemic in this state....oh I forgot, our elected civil servants wouldn't want to curtail any pharmaceutical industry profits from their campaign fundraisers. Gotta keep thinking bullshit these republicans are trying to introduce into the state legislature is nothing more than artificial smoke with no real fire to make a stink over nothing and avoid the fact that since they've been in power last year......WHERE'S THE FUCKING JOBS? It's the republican agenda babe...nuttin but bumper sticker issues to focus on like abortion, gay marriage, and medical see, these are far more important issues than the economy, the deficit, dependence on foreign oil, medicare, social security, etc....I certainly hope the voters in this state have learned their lessons with republican representation when it comes time for 2012 re-elections.

To directly address your comment (I tend to rant as you can see), no matter what happened after the passage of the MMMA, the republicans were going to fight it tooth and nail regardless of what they perceive to be 'abuse of the MMMA'. If there were even 10,000 patients and not 100,000+, they'd still be doing the same damn thing....1 or 2 bad apples isn't what's driving these peoples' agendas; it's ideology that says "we're in control, not you".


New Member
Like i said before people make great pets. We are all slaves to this capitalistic society. We have a plant that can save this planet and we are fighting over it.
i dont have a problem with someone taking marijuana with no card, it shouldnt and wont be illegal much longer.
What does :fillingvap: give me heartburn are the kids that are looking for an easy way to use the system that is setup for people with real problems and find real and legal relief.
Anyone with the name "-Stoner", Stoner SMurf, Stoner know.

But thats my 2 cents.

and i Am smoking some Blue Widow from my fellow Konway Kartel member, M&M


Well-Known Member
i dont have a problem with someone taking marijuana with no card, it shouldnt and wont be illegal much longer.
What does :fillingvap: give me heartburn are the kids that are looking for an easy way to use the system that is setup for people with real problems and find real and legal relief.
Anyone with the name "-Stoner", Stoner SMurf, Stoner know.

But thats my 2 cents.

and i Am smoking some Blue Widow from my fellow Konway Kartel member, M&M
Agreed completely. Blue Widow sounds mighty nice btw :)


Active Member
I have really bad social anxiety disorder. I've taken pills for it but it only makes feel sick.

I also have really bad Insomnia . I'm lucky to get 3 hours of sleep a night.

I also you to have these really bad back pains. Advil did nothing, and as a friend suggested, I tried MJ and it stopped it. (This happened about 2mos ago). I never went to the doctor for it and the pain stopped but I feel it slowly coming back.

As far as I know, none of these are covered in MI medical MJ laws.

No I don't wonder why they try to amend the laws. I know why. It's not because of people who want to use it for rec purposes. If that was the case they wouldn't have passed it. It's not like the people who voted for it are changing their minds and wish it was legal again. It's the people who never wanted it passed in the first place. Republicans and Greedy Democrats who wish to have it illegal for personal gain.

Please sir/ms, don't be a troll. Assumptions are nothing but lackluster generalizations. Meaning they don't even have the beginning basis to withhold a valid point to their argument, which in turn, makes you luck idiotic by you fail attempt to be the voice of reason or the one who is "right"
cough - chronic pain - cough

not to be so quick to judge


Really? I mean wow I only had to get into an accedent and nearly losing the left leg and right knee to get my card it was not much. Dissorders are so easy to fake that most reputable doc's wont consider anyone with out a physical condition much like the Social security laws. I am all for deserving people getting there card for the right reason just want'n to somke to smoke well..

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Well with all due respect to everyone and their ailments. I have been through Chemo so I am for real. However this society is so used to putting kids on anti depressants it is sickening, If you cope with some dope, I get it. But hopping in here and looking for a connect is as stupid as asking about laundering money. You are 21 son you are old enough to vote so do so....TAKE ACTION: Contact your representative and ask them to support H.R. 2306!
I think though at 21 you should chasing pussy and having fist fights in my opinion, you are too young to have any problems other then moving out of your parents house so you can have some full time pussy/
You hit that pussy enough and you will fart, roll over and fall fast asleep!