Trying to Keep Plants Alive last 2 Weeks of Flowering. Mg Def


I grow with GH and have been using Magical from technoflora for the last 3 weeks or so. Usually I end my grow by PH balancing clean water with no nuts. I am in my last 2 weeks and have a severe MG def. My PH is 6.4 - I read that was the best to absorb MG. Including lowering my PH, what can anyone recommend to keep my buds from dying early and keeping a good taste? At around 44 of 56 days the yellowing is on the bud leaves now. :-?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't mind seeing what they look like. It would help other diagonse similar conditions in the future :)


Active Member
Sprinkle a bit of Epsom salts in the first of those two flush weeks...Mg isn't stored In high quantities in the plant, so 1 week is plenty to flush.


Well-Known Member
OK, if you grow using GH three part, why do you add calcium?
Are you using reverse osmosis water and need to boost the calcium?
pH of 6.4 is too high in hydro..
mix up a fresh batch of flowering nutes WITHOUT additives. check the pH. if it is between 5.4 and 6.0 leave it alone and let it run through your system.

if the pH is higher, lower it to 5.5 with DILUTED ph down. If it is lower than 5.4, raise it up with diluted UP to 5.5.

You are growing hydro right? pH is super important.



yea i have been growing good grass at a 6.4 ph for years... then i moved and i need to make a serious adjustment. I tried RO water and the PH changed too rapidly for me. I also posted pics on the plant 911. ill try it tommy ive just never had my ph that low... ever.... thanks im pretty sure this will help in the future


Well-Known Member
My dude, pH is so important to me that I own this:

and this is the probe I bought to go with it:

That thing is the absolute shit. My other pH gadgets went to the garbage. They sucked. Hannah.. garbage.. Blue lab...garbage.. they were inaccurate.

This has temperature sensor and two junctions == made to test pH constantly to two decimal places.

What does that mean to you, other than I spent a load of cash on pH gear? well, I did it because I know and care about water chemistry.. I have had probs with well water.. probs with RO... probs with pH down .. and I have been setting pH at 5.5 and allowing it to naturally drift upwards to where you like it.. and then I adjust down to 5.5 and let it drift up...

I have found that the less adjusting I do, the better it is (more stable).. there are buffers in the nutes that want to stabilize the pH. I let them do it. I have been damn close to 5.53 for this whole last grow.. the final week I upped it to 5.8. It is so stable because I don't add up or down unless i am waaay off.

anyhow, that is my twenty cents on this topic..



Answer: The ideal pH range for most hydroponic crops is between 5.5 and 6.5.
general hydroponics website