Trying to improve my sprout rate...


Active Member
I dont have a problem germinating seeds( about 95% pop rate)..used cup of water to paper towel also just paper towels between 2 plates..

I have searched the old threads and really couldnt find what I was looking
Question 1 is
once i put the germ seed in my medium/soil Im only getting about 70 to 75% to bust that a good %?

Question 2: once I put seeds in medium/soil do they go directly under my t5 or should I wait till they bust thru?

What works best for you guys?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I just fill my cup with soil, pack down just SLIGHTLY, then drop a seed right in the middle and push down just 1/4" at the most, and sprinkle a little soil to cover the hole.
I mist heavy 2 or 3 times a day, and just keep them at room temp.


Well-Known Member
Mine are usually under the lights once I put them into the soil so that when they break through, they have light available right away.


New Member
I drop the seeds in a cups of water and let them soak for 24 hours then put inside moist paper towel inside a plastic sandwich bag. I bury them about 3/4 inch deep and try to aim the root tip toward the ground so they pop out of the dirt faster and easier. I like to spray with mister just to be sure they dont dry out. If you keep the light on it will warm up the dirt and speed up the sprouting process a little bit.


Active Member
cool...just put 3 critical and 3 og kush in cups of water...going to do the norm germ stuff and once I put in medium..under the light they will go!



Well-Known Member
i throw mine straight into jiffy seedling starter, get it nice and wet first for 2 reasons, obviously you need moisture for the seed to start up, but also jiffy seedling starter is very powdery soil so once you get it wet the first time your soil level drops almost a third. I put them in plastic cups with a couple holes poked in the bottom and i havent had one not sprout on me out of 7 so far.