Trying to identify unknown stinky strain's smell


Well-Known Member
Ok I just grew out some bag seed, and the smell of these flowers is like nothing else I've ever smelled before. Maybe someone can help me identify the general smell and/or strain... The closest thing I can think of when I smell it is like soap, sort of a floral earthy smell. Very pungent but not a super strong smell. It has a hint of something odd that i can't quite place too almost like rubber or something. It's not the usual "pleasant stinky" it really smells pretty gross. But the taste is more mellow, definitely some spice / myrcene in the taste.

The plant itself was very very short. Perfect little leaves that never once drooped no matter what went wrong lol. The yield was pretty terrible though and really leafy buds. Never got over like 1.5 feet tall. Any ideas what the smell is, and or guesses on similar strains? Really just curious, I don't plan on growing it again soon because of the yield, it made a handful of seeds so I might some day though. Although the strain seems to lean mostly if not pure indica, the buzz is pretty cerebral...