Trying to grow on a hill... help please!

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Waddup ma Tokers. Right now, I'm planning for this seasons grow. I have a large hill, maybe a 45 degree angle, and 100 feet from the bottom to the top. There are NO trees and its all grass. The soil there is probably shit, so this is my question. If I were to dig a nice sized hole, and filled it with good soil and nutes, would I be able to grow there? Like, if I couldnt get to it very often, maybe once a week to check. I figured since its on a hill it will get more water. Is it possible? I'm probably just going to germ 3 or 4 seeds and plant them, check on them once in a while. Just an easy and fun project. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
well if its on the top of a hill there will probly be alot of runoff so u might need to water like 2-3 times a week depending on ur rain fall.

and yes u can dig a hole and fill it with good quality soil and it will grow!!!


Well-Known Member
u might wanna look into a drip watering system like an upside down bottlestuck in the dirt,or pircing some holes in the side of the bottle..


Well-Known Member
And start your seeds at home indoors where they will stand a better chance.
Then harden them to outdoors.
Then plant them.

Seedlings are too vulnerable to animals and bugs and stuff... You'll get a lot more to survive this way.
And being on a hill makes them get less water unless you make some type of ditch to collect water or divert water to it into a hole for it each time it rains most will just run straight off the side of a hill and not soak in.


Well-Known Member
fill a 5 gal bucket at the top of the hill and run some tubing to a drip on the plant below, let gravity do the work my friend. Just sucks lugging water up the hill... dont busy your crown or your bucket might likely be stuck in you ass at that point... then again jill comes tumbling after so that might work out well

harvest time

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting a 2 liter soda bottle and putting it upside down full of water around 6-8 inches away from the plant itself once its growing for around 3-4 weeks. Until then I'd just water when needed. Most likely going to germ on 4/20 and plant 4/23... my birthdayyyyy hahaha im pretty fucking baked right now i ate 2 brownies about an hour ago dont uy wish you were mee


Well-Known Member
not really cause id rather not have to venture up a fucking hill evertime i wanna look at my plant...

but thats just me