Trying to grow in jan?


Well-Known Member
it cant be totally outdoor you need to give it more light cuz of the short days im growing right now too and i bring them in at four. you know in cali we got them warm winters


Well-Known Member
forgot to say that when i bring them in i keep them under a light with a timer so they can get theyre 18 hours of light


Well-Known Member
well thats the reason i bring it in is tto put it under the light, you can put it under some cfl's for right now they dont cost much dont need to be the best light in the world if your going to be growing mostly outdoors


Well-Known Member
did you find a light for your plants its going to be cloudy till wednesday
number one it still gets light when there are clouds,number 2 winter crops are possible without artificial light,i do it and so does my neighbor:weed:


Well-Known Member
i got a winter crop as well they are growin kinda slow but o well atleast i can grow all yr round here in OC
Well yeah bud grows best in the 60's and low to mid 70's and the lower it goes the slower the growth, but it does not seize growth unless its like 30 degrees out and even then i have had plants survive that.If you get frost where you live then they propably wont make it, but if your in OC/LA you should have no problems with winter crops.. i know cause im here:weed:


Well-Known Member
doesnt cloudy weather permit more uv rays... my plant sits in my room all day at about 75 degrees with the sun on it from about 6:30 to 5.. best weather ever..


Well-Known Member
doesnt cloudy weather permit more uv rays... my plant sits in my room all day at about 75 degrees with the sun on it from about 6:30 to 5.. best weather ever..
Yes it does.... have you ever been or seen some won get sunburn during cloudy sky's i have:-PIt's just that we got the newbies posting false information so i got to school them.:weed:

"Clouds play a big role in the amount of UV radiation reaching the ground. On a cloudy day, depending on the shape and thickness of the clouds, they can absorb and reflect 35-85% of the sun’s radiant energy, and along with the other effects prevent all but a negligible amount of radiation from reaching the ground. Many reptiles seek the security of their burrows or hiding places during rain, stormy and overcast conditions
Generic plastics filter 99%"


Well-Known Member
no one said you couldnt grow without the lights we just said to extend the amount of light by using a light. and also i was just giving him a heads up on the weather by telling him it would be cloudy till wednesday.


Well-Known Member
no one said you couldnt grow without the lights we just said to extend the amount of light by using a light. and also i was just giving him a heads up on the weather by telling him it would be cloudy till wednesday.
retort to distort:clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
gonna jump on here. I am doing a grow in the 808 area and we are only getting about 9hrs. of good sun so I bring my 3 little ones in to sit under lights for 2 hours. Using CFL's also. So far they are doing pretty good thought I think they are starting to do a streach. Haven't started and ferts. yet. trying some hawaiian krush. hpoe and a prayer that they can hold-out afew more weeks when the sun is out alittle longer.


Active Member
tokes is right, sun's uv goes through clouds. you probably won't get as good of a batch as planting them april-july. i just planted my batch outside and it's slowly growing. the only thing is it's raining a lot in north cali and it's getting way too cold. try to insulate your plants if possible.


Well-Known Member
thats why its better to do in/outdoor grow in the winter. thats what im doing i bring them in on cloudy and rainy days and also at sundown to get there 18 hours of light, I should get some nice buds by by april