Trying to fix my sad, sad plants


Active Member
I started growing these plants about 3 or 4 months ago. Once they popped out of the soil, i set them up with one 23watt cfl bulb just to get them accumulated to the light. After they got about 2 inches tall each, I had to leave for a few months and put a friend in charge of growing them and taking care of them. I haven't seen them until today but I've been giving advice to my friend.

They have only had ONE cfl bulb to share between the both of them, despite the constant arguing with my friend telling her that they need more light. They are incredibly stunted right now. I had my friend start giving them nutrients just 2-3 weeks ago. I have been wanting to give them nutes for a while now, but she only recently started administering them. Once they got the nutes, they started to grow like crazy. As you can see from the pictures, they have some problems. If I could get any advice, I would appreciate it.

They are old enough and show the proper signs (from my experience) to start flowering, but they are, as I said, incredibly stunted.

I brought them outside to transplant them because they were in pots WAY too small for their size. This growth has been pretty messed up due to things out of my hands, so I would appreciate any help I could get to let my babies live!

the first four pictures are plant 1 (the healthier, bigger one). The next 4 are plant 2

Thank youplant 1 1.jpgplant 1 5.jpgplant 1 3.jpgplant 1 4.jpgplant 1 2.jpgplant 2 2.jpgplant 2.jpgplant 2 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Leave them both outside, this is the perfect time of year for it.

They will recover.


New Member
Yeah protect them from strong winds. And if u didn't already put them outside, put them in the shade for the first couple days. Direct sunlight at first can be harmful.


Active Member
Leave them both outside, this is the perfect time of year for it.

They will recover.
They are an indoor grow. They've never been outside until I took those pictures. I know a lot more about indoor growing than outdoor. I have a nice set up I threw together this evening for them!


Well-Known Member
get a new GF. One that can follow instructions and can make sandwiches.:blsmoke:

Then take personal control because no matter what we tell you she aint gonna do it anyway.


Active Member
I'm finally back so I have resumed personal control :)
The first picture is my current setup. The 2nd one is a closer view. The third picture is the smaller weaker plant, and the last picture is the better plant.

I think they are close enough to the bulbs! I have 10 bulbs overall. 8 2700k lights and 2 6700k!

setup 1.jpgclose setup.jpgplant 2 lights.jpg

plant 1 lights.jpg


Ur doing rite trying to fix them but they have been severly stressed id personally put them outside and start new with clones or seed they will blow them away in no time bro I use the 12-1 light scedule for veg 12/12 for flowering and I'm expiermenting with a new light scedule 6-6-6-6 on off on off. Its works good on stressed plants and is showing lotsa growth just gotta wait till the end to ssee results I guess


Active Member
Ur doing rite trying to fix them but they have been severly stressed id personally put them outside and start new with clones or seed they will blow them away in no time bro I use the 12-1 light scedule for veg 12/12 for flowering and I'm expiermenting with a new light scedule 6-6-6-6 on off on off. Its works good on stressed plants and is showing lotsa growth just gotta wait till the end to ssee results I guess
I've lost 6 plants this year because I haven't been around to tend to them so I've been doing my best to keep these alive...and we have WAY too much wildlife here for me to trust putting them outdoors.


Well-Known Member
get em real nice and close to those lights and keep em nice and moist...then dry...then moist. They should recover beautifully, just keep adding light whenever you can :)
sub'd to see you loving your babies :)


Active Member
Thank you so much :D! I have a few pictures from a few days ago..They just went into their dark hours so I can't take any pictures of them tonight. I'm noticing a lot of tip burn on some leaves which I need to resolve ASAP to get them to keep growing.

may 7 plant 1 2.jpgmay 7 plant 1.jpgmay 7 plant 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
can't really tell by your pics what could be wrong. The burn on that 1 leaf looks like a bulb burn....sometimes the little brats grow right into my bulbs too, I always have to check and raise my light accordingly. I think they are too small to handle I'd stop and maybe give em just a little nitro boost with some blood meal or something with just N every other watering. Just try to keep them in the same environment, sometimes if we over do it, they take! Your dirt looks a little too wet too...are you letting them dry completely between waterings?


Active Member
I had just watered and transplanted in the first set of pictures. This is the same plant (the big one) 10 days later..Maybe it's just me but that's not bad is it?


Well-Known Member
All we can do now is HOPE!! She sure has stretched out alot.....that is one of the strangest plants I've ever seen. Can you take some more pics of her "inner workings"...I'm curious :)