Trying to change time

Im a first time grower and have a really good idea on what im doing in my grow room but could always use more advice. I know every plant is different but i was wondering when to change my light cycle to 12/12? My plants are over 4 weeks old about a foot tall and one of my plants has a set of leaves 6 inch wide! Im still researching on the stages and how many weeks the plant should be in each stage.

Does anyone have a time line on what should be done on each stage? Lights, nutes, what the plant looks like that kind of thing?

Any help would be nice :leaf: +rep


Active Member
Got any pics? I just put my babies into flowering i had them going on fox farm soil with fox farm nutes for 6 weeks right from germination all strains grow differently from what i've seen but they should look like little trees, they sound like they're doing proper but it all depends on when you want to flower. I was forced into flowering because i dont have a tent yet and my closet only has so much space for veg i might still be looking at burnt buds so it depends on your room size and how much you want to yield.
i flip depending on height, i have 6ft but 4ft with the lights hanging down so i flip to 12.12 at 1'-1.5' assuming they will stretch 3x their size when finished.
I can get some pictures here one second lol

Space isnt an issue if my math is correct they can get 5-6 feet tall per plant so im not worried about height :-D

Im trying to get the most yield i can but still being a first time grower im still working out the small things like what to look for on my plants and its stages


Active Member
very pretty! i'd definitely let them go a little longer if you've got the space it sucks you want to flower them already and it is nice to be into flowering but if you've got the room and healthy plants keep them goin till 2 feet maybe more!
Thanks man :-P I have worked very hard on them and very proud of my babys

Im just excited to have my plants all grown up and still wondering how long to wait till i put them into 12/12

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Depends on what you wanna go for. What are the dimensions of your grow space? You could flip them now, and still pull in over a QP. Or you could veg longer and potentially double or triple it.
My room is 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 foot room with a carbon filter 6" fan 600w HPS bulb. Im looking into getting a MH bulb for flowering as well


Active Member
just keep the hps you should have done MH in veg plants veg better under more of a blue that's why a lotta people do CFL and hps in flowering the redness in is mucho better for fat dense buds but now you know for the next grow


Active Member
also do you mind uploading a pic of your setup because im trying to get a carbon filter because i just flowered and i want to see how someone else sets up the filter
Yeah for sure i have one here. This is my carbon filter and fan. Dont look at the t5 lights those are long gone and the first pic is how everything looks right now

So your saying i should be in flowering right now? My plants are only a foot tall though :? and still not sure about the sex of them ether check out my other thread on telling if its male or female and let me know what my next step is



Active Member
sweet thanks man so what exactly is the big gray thing in the 2nd pic is that a fan and then the light grey is the filter?

And no you're fine in veg a lot of use hps for veg its the time that will tell your plants to flower. mine didnt show sex till 5 weeks and that was only one shes the biggest right now too i had to force the other two into flowering and i think ive gotta male.. but you wont see preflower until 5th or so node up the look like they need awhile longer
Yeah that second pic is my inline fan and the big white thing is my carbon filter. I also put a hood on my HPS last night and all my plants have grown 2"in over night because of it! They even got "bushy" haha cant wait till tonight or tomorrow morning to check on them again. I'll put some pics up later


Active Member
sounds awesome man I wanna see em! Yeah the hood definitely does 20 times the work than a regular hanging lightbulb, and thanks again for the setup pics where did you get your carbon filter? How much there's a guy on here with a nice 50 dillar one
I got all well most of my supplies from a hydro store, i try and stay off the online sites just so i dont leave a paper trail but i guess thats just me. The carbon filter was $200 but it does wonders for removing the smell and the heat from my room. Was going to build my own CF but couldnt bring myself to buy ladies socks (pantyhose) from the store lol!