Trying so save an outdoor volunteer plant


Active Member
Hey all I dumped out some bag see at this place I go camping and the next time I was there I found that some had sprouted I didn't take care of the or feed them or anything but when I saw 2 out of the 5 were females I killed the males just to see what would happen. one of the females died of natural causes but the other one started taking off. I watched it for the next couple of months and then I heard there was going to be a frost so I went to check her out and she wasn't really ready or anything so I decided to pot her and bring her inside. I made a real cheap and dirty grow space in my wife's walk in closet and thought I would see what you guys thought. do you think it will work? I have one 70 hps on top and 2 30 watt CFL on the sides.

ps. first time growing but I did read about it from time to time.



Active Member
Thanks I read that on here some place I guess I could have done a better job with the cutting but it seems to work. I'm planning on adding 2 more cfls with a bulb splitter next time I make it to the store this was just from some junk I had laying around.


Active Member
I guess I didn't frame my question well do you think 70 watt hps and 2 30 watt cfls is enough to finishing flowering this chick?