Trying Salvia


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if salvia is worth it? i was going to pick up some 10x at the head shop. I have been doing some research and know a lot about it now. Does 10x make u hallucinate at all? I want to hullecinate a little but not to much. I think i might of had some before b/c i was like feeling alot different and like how most people feel. Whats the best way to try this? in a quiet room, music playing, dark room, light room?


Stoners With Guns

Active Member
dude, i have smoked salvia once. and let me tell you.....WOW. my roomates girlfriend didnt feel it at all. but she smoked it out of a pipe. i on the other hand took a bong load and got stuck in another world (a spinning weel) for about 5 minutes. the next houre it felt like i was coming down from mushrooms. that was a year ago and i have yet to try it again. from the storys i've heard you pretty much get stuck somewhere for a little bit and then snap out of it. good luck


Well-Known Member
4 real bro!!!!!!!!!1 dont mess with salvia... i 2 took a bong hit held it it as long as i could blew it out and then shit!!!!!!! u trip soo bad u cant stay sittin down, u freak out.. u go 2 another world( i think it might b hell) for like 5 min.. when ur trippn ur mind plays tricks on u hard.. even though it lasts only 5 min u think it will never stop and that u will b stuck in that world 4-ever


Well-Known Member
Salvia can be a beautiful spiritual experience, but you should respect this sacred herb and use it for the right reasons. I would recommend the 20X extract, as many people are not effected by lower doses. Also, when you smoke Sadie, use a bong, and try to hold the hit in for at least 15 seconds, as salvia takes longer than weed to enter your system. Good luck in your introspection.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I wouldn't recommend a dark room (unless that's what helps you calm your mind or prepare you for the experience). I might add that Salvia Divinorum is not a recreational drug, and you should not expect your trip to last more than a few minutes. Silence is good, as any external stimuli will influence your trip.


Well-Known Member
Uh yeah, bong rips of 20x have made everyone I know thats tried it, think it was too intense.

There was nothing spiritual about the room trying to eat me for 2 mins I thought that was going on.


Well-Known Member
well, maybe you're right that 20X is a bit strong for most people, but I suggest smoking it from a bong because I've tried to smoke it several other ways, including high-temp vaporizor, and the bong has been the only way to go in my experience.

Also, make sure someone's there with you to take the bong/smoking paraphernalia from you before you lose control of your body and drop/break it.


Well-Known Member
well, maybe you're right that 20X is a bit strong for most people, but I suggest smoking it from a bong because I've tried to smoke it several other ways, including high-temp vaporizor, and the bong has been the only way to go in my experience.

Also, make sure someone's there with you to take the bong/smoking paraphernalia from you before you lose control of your body and drop/break it.
I 2nd that motion as well.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you plan on trying Salvia don't waste your money on 10x you want to get fucked up get 20 and put it in a bong. First time I did salvia was 20x and it sent me to a whole new world it was sooooooooooo fucking scary. When I came down 30 min later I fired up another bowl.


Well-Known Member
i would buy it for my friends to trip on . its pretty much a 10-20 min shroom trip. laughing out of control. crying for no reason . gettin really angry at people for no reason . and the non fucked up ones do is laugh at you . drooling. get the purple sticky extract , 20 - 40x . good thing about it its legal, even though kids are abusing it nowadays.


Well-Known Member
What I'd love to do to people I hate is put salvia in a 3rd lung with a bit of weed ontop and make em trip hard. I did it to this fucking wigger kid who pissed me off soooo fucking much. Lets just say he was pretty fucked up in class hahahaha


New Member
wigger kid
whats a wigger kid?
What I'd love to do to people I hate is put salvia in a 3rd lung with a bit of weed ontop and make em trip hard. I did it to this fucking wigger kid who pissed me off soooo fucking much. Lets just say he was pretty fucked up in class hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Those dumb fucking white kids who think they're black the ones that dress all gangsta and will only fight if their friends are there to back them up


Well-Known Member
lol i smoked some years ago and "jesus" it blew me away..
was only a tester from a market stall and what a trippy dunt i got..
was high as a kite for about half an hour.

wish i could get sum again lol..


The Gardener
If ya want to know a bit about salvia just type it in youtube lmao

Most on there freeking are nobbs thou and there friends nervously scaring the shit out of them hahaha dont let it put ya off just ride it

Ive a big bag of salvia leaf if any 1 wants it lol the man in the head shop grows it in there and told me 2 take what i wanted hahah

Does the leaf make ya trip ?


The Gardener
a place were its legal lol

They just grow it to let people see them grow tents in action with carbon filter ect. and not much lighting needed he toldme


Well-Known Member
yea i have seen all the videos of salvia on youtube there funny as shit. Yea im getting some next weekend. prob just going to get 10x for the first time