Trying a different watering technique this grow


Well-Known Member
Half of their water then a few hours later the other half.
My theory is rather than dump it all in at once by graduating it the absorption will increase with less runoff.
For instance...I gave them 1/2 of water mixed with ReCharge, molasses, and Roots Organics HPK at night. Then, in the morning the other 1/2 with just pure water.


Dinamed CBD Kush (purple)
Mephisto White Crack

52 days old.

@TedeBoy that watering technique is a good one. While it may be less convenient as was pointed out it is a greAt way to let the irrigation soak in and spread out and not just follow channels in the soil as it flows downward. Runoff isn't what you want even if you have a catch saucer. Slower watering may achieve he same goal but this way is certainly effect ive. I do the same thing but I only wait 30 minutes or so between my partial waterings. Others have their ways that work and everyone learns theirs over time.
I quickly learn to stop dumping that water on all at once..but I still try to do it all at once... be my luck, next thing you know, my girls start looking drunk.. and hung-over after the second sip..
If you use blumats you can keep a soil in the proper moisture zone all the time without ever overwatering. I would look into those if you want to up your watering game.
If anything you should give it some plain water first then the water with nutes but I just mix up what I need and feed it slow. If there's runoff I leave it there for an hour then remove any the plant didn't draw back up. Then I can be pretty certain that the rootball is well saturated.

With plants like that tho you're not doing a bad job. ;)
