Tryin indoor mini-grow room


Well-Known Member
Hey BuddhaBud here, I've grown outdoor successfully once before, and can't wait for spring to start again - I've got a small cabinet to grow in, but I think I can make do with it because of a couple factors :
1- the dimensions are 15" deep, 23" wide, and 39" tall
this is kinda small i realize, but there is no back on it, so I plan on extending it to about 2ft , like the width.
2 - lighting- this should be pretty convenient, as i can easily move a shelf up or down the inside of the cabinet -my plan is to start with one or two cfls in holes in the shelf, maybe moving to three later on in growth (opnions?)

so here's the questions: If I use a wide pot to allow for root growth without much depth, I can start the plant say 8 inches off the ground, and with a couple inches of lighting space at the top, I would get just over two feet of plant height. is this enough? i was thinking of either topping or fimming it to get the plant big but short -any thoughts?
Also, does anyone have a good idea for cheap ventilation?

Much thanks yall
peace :weed:

