Active Member
Dude I know exactly what you mean. Every time I trip its like some crazy flashback and feel some deja vu. Shits insane wish there were a better way to describe it
it tastes shitty also. if I may inquire.
it tastes shitty also. if I may inquire.
i've tried it 5 times..
k first one..
35x salvia extract.. my first time i was in my best friends room, loaded a pipe full of it. i took 3 huge rips and held each 1 in for 30+ seconds.. the last hit i couldnt hold it in any longer because i was being "sucked in" to the different world.. i felt gravity just pull me down and i fell to his bed. *we have 1 min. of this recorded* his bed had designs like squares everywhere... i started running across the squares as if i was a miniture version of myself.. my friend was asking me questions, but i couldnt hear him because i was in this own world.. then those squares turned into a circle, there was lava in the middle of the circle and i was running around the circle away from this huge monster.. i was screaming because he was coming after me and i couldnt run fast enough.. next thing i know i'm in my friends arms crying and dripping in sweat..
2nd time. 35x aswell, and 2 big hits holding them in till i couldnt.. i was sitting on a balcony outside on a sunny day. i had the song "caribean blue-enya" playing... i look up at the sky and next thing i know i'm walking on the clouds. Everything seems so peaceful, and then the clouds turn into ocean waves, and i'm walking along the beach, it felt like jamaica, and the waves were splashing up on my feet.. i was running after this girl who was a couple paces ahead of me. but she was running farther and farther away. she had long brown curly hair, and thats all i could see. i just knew she was my perfect girl, and i was running and running, but i couldnt catch her.. that was my good trip
3rd trip was with 35x extract aswell at a friends house, but there was 3 of us there.. i decided to do it first, so i took 1 huge rip, then sat down on the couch.. i felt my body going into another world.. have any of ya'll seen the 3d movie coraline? i felt like i was in that movie and i was falling into this other world, then boom! i was there.. everybody had buttons on there eyes and were ragdolls.. i was the only one who had vision, and there seemed to be 50 ppl around me, begging me to sew the buttons on my eyes and join this world.. i didnt want to, so i kept fighting to come back to the real world. then i finally come to the real world, and see that every1 STILL had buttons on there eyes as if they were little ragdolls.. i couldnt come back to reality, i was freakin out but didnt want the other ppl at the house to know i was having a bad trip so i contained myself somehow.. then i finally got out of the trip.. i kept asking my friends for the next 5 minutes if they were real..
4th time i dont really remember it, but i remember being in the ragdoll world again
5th time i was with my friend.. i was sitting him, while he had his trip.. after like 25 minutes he started getting scared because he couldnt come out of his trip.. i was convinced he was done, and he was just blazed because he smoked a lot of bud right before..
so i go outside on his balcony again, and take 2 hits.. then i see this huge angel named lady salvia.. she was telling me that my friend needs to stay in the salvia world, he isnt allowed to come back to reality, because he dis-respected her. so i kept telling him to hit it again because he doesnt belong in this world.. and i kept having a conversation with lady salvia the whole time, i dont really remember about what, all i remember is that my friend wasnt alowed to return to himself again..
hope ya'll enjoyed them![]()
Those were crazy man! Can I know how long you were stuck in the trip?