• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

[Truth] DEA show on SpiKe.TV


Well-Known Member

OMFG...I KNOW I'm beginning to sound like a broken record when I say .. IR technology is an ILLEGAL SEARCH unless a warrant is obtained FIRST! The UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT SAID SO!


FUCK... how many times will I have to post that before people understand it? I know it's full of legalease .... but bookmark it and read it slowly BEFORE you toke up... you will GET IT! It's important for tokers to get involved and know what's what!
What is the deal? Watch the show that is linked before even trying. It is reality, they followed the DEA. They had a lead in for that neighborhood and flew over some moderately sophisticated cameras. The point of the scene is further proof for a ground raid. After the raid, there is a cut of some white girls screaming, "Thank you!"

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok,, Now I aM SORRY Florida Girl. You have not been around long enough to read all my past post that relate to this. They do use the Copters and INFER cameras. But on most peoples houses it is not on a drive by sitiation. Someone has ran thier Mouth.

Sure if it is DRUG ALLEY they will scrape that neighbor HOOD for intell. But lets get fooking real here. I am in a noirmal Neighbothood, with normal light bills, not stealing elect. WHO THE FOOK IS GOING TO NIGHT SCOPE MY HOUSE?!?!?!?! Just to get to my normal HOOD is going to cost $300 in fuel. An then the need to fly the pattern. Some of you act like they just fly everywhere. Not one of us is safe....... Run anbd saave your weed plants!!!!!!! They know where we all are!!!! Every single one of us.

Chill buddy. Smoke another bowl and stay away from the COKE.


Rebel From The North
there are like over 50 different thing that would look like a grow light then
theres the people that have grows in there house that are non illegel/
vegetaeles and such then theres the med grow/legal so to randomly raid
your closet op is to far out there. just dont brag/show your friends anthing.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ok,, Now I aM SORRY Florida Girl. You have not been around long enough to read all my past post that relate to this. They do use the Copters and INFER cameras.

And the US SUPREME COURT says that is an ILLEGAL SEARCH if no warrant is obtained first! What don't you get about that?

Get popped by an illegal search and you will WALK! The Judge HAS to abide by the law...even if LEO doesn't! IR is ILLEGAL unless a search warrant is obtained first! SO SAYS THE US SUPREME COURT!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Lord dang' lets get fuckin real here....they are gonna need to have a probable cause or a warrant to use all the resources it would take to infra somebodys house. even if they did do a random sweep, they wouldnt be to thrilled about busting a dude with a 400 watter and 6 plants...they are gonna have intel and narcs confirming hey this dude has 300 plants and then they get a warrant from a judge based on previous buys and narc intel. that helicopter thermal shit is for TV man.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
.they are gonna have intel and narcs confirming hey this dude has 300 plants and then they get a warrant from a judge based on previous buys and narc intel. that helicopter thermal shit is for TV man.

Ummm helloooooo what was I saying???? Oh nevermind .... I give up... the cops are hovering over all your houses RIGHT NOW (silently of course) for that heat signature of your 2000 watts lights.... rip up your plants now !!!!

:roll: paranoia spreads faster then the common cold around this place!


Well-Known Member
Ha,i never watch them shit shows,kinda funny seeing the neighborhood i grew up in on tv for a grow op raid.

I watched the link to that stupid show,can one person tell me what they think their learning from that stupid show,the cops arent giving away any secrets for some kind of counter surveilance for grow op's,if anything what their showing on tv is false to the point that we cant obtain useable info.

What is to be learned from the show will not sink in to those who need to take pointers from it.

I to dont take a rocket scientist to figure out how & why that idiot got popped,he looked like a thug & obviously acted a fool around his house & with his neighbors,the heat sig isnt what got him popped, the neighbors OBVIOUSLY dropped a tip to crime stoppers on him.

If there is anything to be learned here its to not dress & act like an asshole,be cool all you want & say it dont matter how you appear,o.........k,wear big ass baggy pants & gangster looking clothes saying its just a style,it makes people look at you & thats not what you want,you want to blend & look harmless in every way,especially if you dont have a regular job to go to,neighbors see that shit,they see alot.

This guy got popped because his neighbors hated his guts & he stood out like a sore thumb,no big survielance,no big investigations,no power company involvement,nothing but the way he looks & the relationship he had with his neighbors.

Lesson learned.............throw the cool gangster clothes in the garbage & replace them with polo shirts & levi jeans that actually fit right, not the kind you can stuff a loaf of bread in every pocket & fit 2 shotguns in the crotch,get rid of the car with the spinner rims & obnoxiously loud (all bass) car stereo that makes your neighbors walls shake when you pull in the driveway & replace it with a volvo with a young republican party bumper sticker on it,make the house look better than when you moved in,who cares if its a rental paint the fukin thing,plant flowers & shit, be decent to your neighbors,dont bring asshole friends over with their loud ass car stereos pissing off the neighbors either,act & look like a non threatening person in every way & most of all be nice to your neighbors.

The grow op bust coulda been avoided if the grower had used even the slightest bit of common sense pertaining to his appearance,his lifestyle & his interaction with the neighborhood & neighbors.
Well said my friend. 200 plants aint shit, his op was small. Someone/s didn't like him and he seemed to be lacking in the common sense department.


Well-Known Member

OK... first off.... IR technology used without FIRST obtaining a search warrant has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court as an ILLEGAL SEARCH!


Second... our Military (God bless and keep them all safe!!!) is tied up and tapped out in a little war over in the Middle East Desert. Hell we don't even have enough National Guard here on American soil to keep the illegals from Mexico from flooding in with their massive pounds of ditch weed... yet you think we are utilizing military "unmanned" plane ops to bust grow houses? LAUGHABLE!!

FUCK... get your facts straight before you post nonsense you saw on a "reality" TV show! I've seen that show.... and what they show is COMPLETELY made up for TV. Hell one of the episodes I saw was a peaceful grow op.... and in the end after the bust they showed a few neighbors (behind their screen doors) yelling "THANK YOU" to the DEA... Please... tell me you believe that WHOLE thing wasn't staged for television!
Illegal...? Torture is illegal too..I'm not looking for a me vs you country sort of thing, but you know damn well since the Bush Regime has started to put it's own biased BUSHIES on the supreme court, nothing is sacred....please....secret prisons, rendition, waterboarding...on & on..the biggest fucking law breaker in the US is BUSH...........the war in Iraq is also illegal..." IT WAS DONE TO REMOVE A TYRANT "..........OK what about Burma I don't see US plans to remove that tyrant........OR THE BIGGEST TYRANT IN THE WORLD>>>BUSH...That cocksucker won't even help his own people....remember Katrina........good job Brownie.....
Yeah......real good.......and who could fuck any daughter that looks like that father.......Well I guess I'll sit here and wait for my rendition flight



Well-Known Member
Good grief,how does every issue concerning government end up in the toilet,i hate Bush too but all roads do not lead to him nor is there some underlying great conspiricy that connects everything on earth.

The shit they show on these shows is either staged for dramatic effect or intentionally misleading,even both.

WTF does "secret prisons" have to do with infra red & it's legal applications from law enforcement agencies ?


Active Member
they also fly around in the middle of the afternoon, in residential areas, in copters with large drum-like objects hanging from the lower front end of the chopper. :spew:
Those are FLIR systems on the front end of the Choppers. They can do NightVision, Infrared, and thermal. I work for a company that installs the systems on Military and Police helicopters for governments around the world.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i think it has everything to do with the current administration our rights are slowly being taken in the name of "protecting americans from the terrorists" if you want to feel fear read the whole patriot act. these people in charge are very sick and confused people. they only care about there endless greed for power and money and controlling it. look into the history of germany in the early to mid 30's here we go again. its all about keeping stupid people scared so more controlling laws can be passed. terrorism is the perfect stage because it is a war that cant be won or lost and as long as america behaves as it does we will be atacked again this plays into the hand of the 1% in charge who are reping great benefits at the cost of many innocent lives. these people dont like free thinking so they will always be after substances like cannabis lsd mushrooms etc... that is why in the sixties these drugs were put on the list with heroin and other hard drugs because they promote dissention and free thinking which causes tyrants problems. look at the dea in california wtf:peace:


Well-Known Member
Good grief,how does every issue concerning government end up in the toilet,i hate Bush too but all roads do not lead to him nor is there some underlying great conspiricy that connects everything on earth.

The shit they show on these shows is either staged for dramatic effect or intentionally misleading,even both.

WTF does "secret prisons" have to do with infra red & it's legal applications from law enforcement agencies ?
You just answered yourself.. the legal & illegal applications...Either you follow ALL laws or you don't...What makes a supreme court ruling valid within a country who won't even follow world laws. A Gov. that won't follow the laws the rest of a civilized world does, can't be expected to follow its own..One seriously can't believe that all incarcerated dopers were put there by legal or beyond reproach methods.........can one ?????????? It's more likely your ability to buy high powered lawyers is your best legal avenue, and not what 9 biased judges


Well-Known Member
i think it has everything to do with the current administration our rights are slowly being taken in the name of "protecting americans from the terrorists" if you want to feel fear read the whole patriot act. these people in charge are very sick and confused people. they only care about there endless greed for power and money and controlling it. look into the history of germany in the early to mid 30's here we go again. its all about keeping stupid people scared so more controlling laws can be passed. terrorism is the perfect stage because it is a war that cant be won or lost and as long as america behaves as it does we will be atacked again this plays into the hand of the 1% in charge who are reping great benefits at the cost of many innocent lives. these people dont like free thinking so they will always be after substances like cannabis lsd mushrooms etc... that is why in the sixties these drugs were put on the list with heroin and other hard drugs because they promote dissention and free thinking which causes tyrants problems. look at the dea in california wtf:peace:
Nail on the head................



Well-Known Member

OMFG...I KNOW I'm beginning to sound like a broken record when I say .. IR technology is an ILLEGAL SEARCH unless a warrant is obtained FIRST! The UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT SAID SO!


FUCK... how many times will I have to post that before people understand it? I know it's full of legalease .... but bookmark it and read it slowly BEFORE you toke up... you will GET IT! It's important for tokers to get involved and know what's what!
This is limited to inside the house. The police can set up a FLIR station on your sidewalk and aim it at the outside of your house looking for heat exhaust signature all day long without a warrant. Same goes for the flying FLIR - the lesson is exhaust the heat internally - not externally.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i agree with twistyman especially about high priced lawyers if you can afford probably wont go to prison. public defender youre f*****. american society is currently quite twisted its a shame because it didnt start this way. this administration does not follow its own laws the un's laws the geneva conventions laws or any other laws they feel are in there way to getting more money and power. most americans understands "the price of everything but the value of nothing" the founding fathers would not agree with what has happened. one of them said something to the effect of "every twenty years the liberty tree must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots"


Well-Known Member
i think it has everything to do with the current administration our rights are slowly being taken in the name of "protecting americans from the terrorists" if you want to feel fear read the whole patriot act. these people in charge are very sick and confused people. they only care about there endless greed for power and money and controlling it. look into the history of germany in the early to mid 30's here we go again. its all about keeping stupid people scared so more controlling laws can be passed. terrorism is the perfect stage because it is a war that cant be won or lost and as long as america behaves as it does we will be atacked again this plays into the hand of the 1% in charge who are reping great benefits at the cost of many innocent lives. these people dont like free thinking so they will always be after substances like cannabis lsd mushrooms etc... that is why in the sixties these drugs were put on the list with heroin and other hard drugs because they promote dissention and free thinking which causes tyrants problems. look at the dea in california wtf:peace:
As much as I despise the current (and nearly all past) administrations, i would point out that our freedoms started eroding with the Alien & Sedition Act (though repealed) and with few exceptions, our freedoms deterioration hasn't stopped since. Who allowed the Alien & Sedition Act you may ask? John Adams - the second president. Heck even our first president overstepped his constitutional bounds by allowing a federal bank.


Well-Known Member
seems like government propaganda is working rather well here.

they are trying to scare you all and it's working.

that grow wasn't shit. small potatoes.

"let's get him while he's away from the house so he can't get to his weapon and kill us."

if you believe any of this you are on the wrong side.