Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA

Nope, go peddle you’re nazi lies elsewhere, cunt

peaceful protesters don’t have torchlit nazi marches that pass by a synagogue just as services are getting out. They don’t chant “Jews will not replace us” nor beat the shit out of black guys. They don’t murder people by driving cars into crowds

everyone in the fucking country knew what happened, including trump*. He called them very fine people anyway

he supports the nazis and you do too by trying to lie and cover for them

you racist nazi cunt
Not everyone there was part of that bullshit. You cannot provide one shred of proof trump has ever said anything racist. It's you hanging onto words taken out of context and spinning them.into your own agenda. You call every trump.supporter a racist even though african Americans vote for him. I suppose they are also racist. Please.
Admit that your a closet racist and the more people you can call a racist makes people deter from.seeing you for what you really are.
Just ban this she-nazi piece of shit already
That's right, silence anyone with an opposing opinion. I have not said anything even remotely close to what some of you have said. It would be completely partisan which only proves even more my point. Poor guys feelings are hurt so he wants me gone to make himself feel accomplished. Silence anyone that does not agree with your own. Who is the nazi?
That's right, silence anyone with an opposing opinion. I have not said anything even remotely close to what some of you have said. It would be completely partisan which only proves even more my point. Poor guys feelings are hurt so he wants me gone to make himself feel accomplished. Silence anyone that does not agree with your own. Who is the nazi?
“Opposing opinion” is not how I would describe your nazi apologia, she-nazi
That's right, silence anyone with an opposing opinion. I have not said anything even remotely close to what some of you have said. It would be completely partisan which only proves even more my point. Poor guys feelings are hurt so he wants me gone to make himself feel accomplished. Silence anyone that does not agree with your own. Who is the nazi?
Nazi's are the Nazi's. That is how it works. I don't care that you have 'an opinion', whatever people can just ignore you, but spamming this hateful shit that you post just to rile up your 'fellow countrymen' (' ' because I have not actually seen you say you are an American) for racists to keep their political power I do care about.

I understand the need to make money in this world to survive, but spreading what your spreading is pretty evil if you know that it is all bullshit propaganda.

I do not fault people for voting for Trump, and understand that if people really are ignorant enough to believe Democrats are murdering babies because they believe the shit that paid trolls spew. Calling you out on regurgitating these hateful lies nonstop is not 'silencing' you as you keep snow flaking about.