Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!

I gave up on you; you taught me that no matter how much evidence I bring to the table, there's just no fixing stupid.

Half a dozen whistle blowers within the OPCW have confirmed by now that the "Assad used chemical weapons" story was bullshit.

So have at it.

Convicted pimp tries to gaslight the forum with bullshit he is dumb enough to believe himself, gets laughed out of site, creeps back in and claims he gave up on me.

Proof that absolute dumbness is not confined to the right wing.
I guess it depends on how one would characterize intelligence. The way I see it, ccgunz has no reason to concede anything to q
Think of those very religious Jews in Israel, who are for the most part very intelligent people. They are cloistered in religious schools and costumed in 18th century dress. The same orthodox Jews in America sometimes escape their religious upbringing and usually end up in universities where they do quite well, high IQs are not in short supply among them either. Extreme conditioning and restricted exposure to the outside world will do that to any ethnic group, irrespective of intelligence.
Think of those very religious Jews in Israel, who are for the most part very intelligent people. They are cloistered in religious schools and costumed in 18th century dress. The same orthodox Jews in America sometimes escape their religious upbringing and usually end up in universities where they do quite well, high IQs are not in short supply among them either. Extreme conditioning and restricted exposure to the outside world will do that to any ethnic group, irrespective of intelligence.
Intelligence is not the same as doing good on a test.
Intelligence is not the same as doing good on a test.
It just makes doing better on a test more likely. Most of our abilities as human beings are untested and attributes deemed "valuable" by society can change over time. We humans are part of nature and subject to selection pressures though and nature can be cruel to individuals, while being kind to groups.
perhaps you should challenge the assumption of "more intelligent".
As a person who checks themselves by being self humbling when I see people who own their own businesses or have pay grades that I can't touch I guess I give it up that they are more intelligent than me, the fact that they back these bogus theories maybe exposes a lack of common sense or just their hatred of the Dems, while I'm certainly not a genius thankfully I've always had a decent amount of common sense. Maybe these people need to be led which probably has no bearing on their intelligence. I can self rationalize people going down the Qanon path or even trying out Cheeto in 2016 (though I always thought him to be a pompous self serving dickhead) but I can't come to grips w/the support both still receive after being EXPOSED as fraudulent.ccguns
Intelligence is not the same as doing good on a test.
Absolutely, I've got a vgood memory and went to a hard highschool, graduated w/3.65 GPA because I memorized for tests, but retaining it is another animal altogether and my IQ is only slightly above avg. I really don't equate high IQ w/common sense or success , because being gifted in one area in arts, invention, or innovation can also produce very one dimensional people.ccguns
As a person who checks themselves by being self humbling when I see people who own their own businesses or have pay grades that I can't touch I guess I give it up that they are more intelligent than me, the fact that they back these bogus theories maybe exposes a lack of common sense or just their hatred of the Dems, while I'm certainly not a genius thankfully I've always had a decent amount of common sense. Maybe these people need to be led which probably has no bearing on their intelligence. I can self rationalize people going down the Qanon path or even trying out Cheeto in 2016 (though I always thought him to be a pompous self serving dickhead) but I can't come to grips w/the support both still receive after being EXPOSED as fraudulent.ccguns
My world view about intelligence is informed by my dad who came up from very humble background, had a 9th grade education but could figure out how to do just about anything he wanted to. He talked about not being intelligent too. But it wasn't intelligence he lacked, he simply didn't get the same education that people in a better economic class had.

I work with plenty of people with high power PhDs and diplomas from Stanford, John's Hopkins, Berkely, MIT and so forth. I have plenty of respect for the things they know but I don't call that intelligence. Some of them are downright stupid.

You solved an apparent contradiction: Trump said one thing and did another. Instead blaming Trump's failure on him, his supporters found ways to compartmentalize their beliefs and wish away the contradictions. I don't care how much money somebody has (probably inherited most of it) or what they do in life, if somebody can't recognize a contradiction and learn from it, then they are stupid.

IQ is a score that comes from tests. Study after study shows that high IQ test scores have no relationship to how well somebody does in life. It's not a good measure for intelligence. Mostly, it's a good measure for the benefit of being born to a stable and prosperous family.

Humility is a sign of intelligence and is the first thing a person needs in order to learn. Keep humble, keep learning.
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Absolutely, I've got a vgood memory and went to a hard highschool, graduated w/3.65 GPA because I memorized for tests, but retaining it is another animal altogether and my IQ is only slightly above avg. I really don't equate high IQ w/common sense or success , because being gifted in one area in arts, invention, or innovation can also produce very one dimensional people.ccguns
I didn’t graduate high school, made it to grade 11 with amazing grades then found out I could sell pot for a living and work at something I loved. I went back to college when I was 25 as I thought I’d like programming ..... nope lol. I’m a refrigeration mechanic which kept me honest (looking) for the most part, but nope, tests were not my thing but I can fix/build pretty much anything. Grew up in a farm and you learn how to fix shit ;).
My world view about intelligence is informed by my dad who came up from very humble background, had a 9th grade education but could figure out how to do just about anything he wanted to. He talked about not being intelligent too. But it wasn't intelligence he lacked, he simply didn't get the same education that people in a better economic class had.

I work with plenty of people with high power PhDs and diplomas from Stanford, John's Hopkins, Berkely, MIT and so forth. I have plenty of respect for the things they know but I don't call that intelligence. Some of them are downright stupid.
There's no doubt about it, DRIVE is a under estimated quality that results in many accomplishments and it certainly isn't based on IQ, being a book smart snob who can quote things others can't and thinking their better when this knowledge sometimes has no practical application is no substitute for heart, and plenty of people like your dad have achieved a great deal and had more fulfilling lives than many so called highly educated people.ccguns
I didn’t graduate high school, made it to grade 11 with amazing grades then found out I could sell pot for a living and work at something I loved. I went back to college when I was 25 as I thought I’d like programming ..... nope lol. I’m a refrigeration mechanic which kept me honest (looking) for the most part, but nope, tests were not my thing but I can fix/build pretty much anything. Grew up in a farm and you learn how to fix shit ;).
I took 10 yrs. off from receiving a paper check,25-35, pushing the weed, my footprints were in the snow of places the PO-LICE raided, the good old days burying my money in a coffee can outside.lolccguns
I took 10 yrs. off from receiving a paper check,25-35, pushing the weed, my footprints were in the snow of places the PO-LICE raided, the good old days burying my money in a coffee can outside.lolccguns
I stopped taking a paper check back around 2006.

They have this cool thing that would just auto deposit it, it is great. No more waiting in line and having to take up peoples' time just to deposit it. It is so nice.
I stopped taking a paper check back around 2006.

They have this cool thing that would just auto deposit it, it is great. No more waiting in line and having to take up peoples' time just to deposit it. It is so nice.
Hear ya, my money from work is also DD, but I no longer even rec. statements. At first when my Co. went to this they supplied a statement, now We're supposed to go to to see our info,guy's at work more tech savy than I am say getting in is a FKN nightmare,so basically I guess at what my yearly raise is,the hrs. worked etc,they call this shit progress. I don't even try to access this stuff,I believe my coworkers saying that the site is a joke, that said it doesn't bother me, I'm happy where I'm at,it's laid back far from the stress of the real world ,outside in the clean,fresh country air,not to mention 4 months of RI unemp. riding out the New England winters.ccguns
I took 10 yrs. off from receiving a paper check,25-35, pushing the weed, my footprints were in the snow of places the PO-LICE raided, the good old days burying my money in a coffee can outside.lolccguns
Coffee cans? ABS pipes and friends freezers worked great. Pretty sure I lost track of a few lol.

All the shit talking in this echo chamber of fools can't change the fact that I was right from the very beginning.

The only people more toxic than Republicons are "Liberals" like the people here.
Rt outlet know they're run by the Russians right......

RT is a Russian state-controlled international television network funded by the federal tax budget of the Russian government. It operates pay television channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, and Russian

they'll say anything to save Assad the butcher
Rt outlet know they're run by the Russians right......

RT is a Russian state-controlled international television network funded by the federal tax budget of the Russian government. It operates pay television channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, and Russian

they'll say anything to save Assad the butcher
Attack the source, not the content? Gee, never heard that one before! So I bet you believe everything CNN tells you, don't you?

Then look it up on the BBC's own website- or are you afraid of the truth?

Wall to wall Clowns here.
so your saying



shell from Allepo and the similiar shell that they found in Douma is fabricated....

oh the one from Douma....
was fabricated......