Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!

...because of course the American media, the White House and the Defense Department never lie- isn't that right, General Colin Powell?

Just keep dunking on yourselves.

Eyewitness accounts: Assad's warplanes dropped bombs, people hiding in shelters start dying due to symptoms consistent with Sarin gas.

tty: Vast media, government and military conspiracy to smear Assad. Opposition forces did it to smear Assad. It was stored in the opposition's warehouse and a bomb hit it.

Who are you going to believe? A person who lost loved ones and their own health in Doumas that night? A simple explanation that Assad yet again gassed civilians? Or a failed wannabe pimp living a shunned life in a Colorado home provided for him by a family that is intent on keeping him at arms length and away from his daughter?
Eyewitness accounts: Assad's warplanes dropped bombs, people hiding in shelters start dying due to symptoms consistent with Sarin gas.

tty: Vast media, government and military conspiracy to smear Assad. Opposition forces did it to smear Assad. It was stored in the opposition's warehouse and a bomb hit it.

Who are you going to believe? A person who lost loved ones and their own health in Doumas that night? A simple explanation that Assad yet again gassed civilians? Or a failed wannabe pimp living a shunned life in a Colorado home provided for him by a family that is intent on keeping him at arms length and away from his daughter?
Especially considering the fact that the sources he has used to support his arguments are complete and utter bullshit and pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
Eyewitness accounts: Assad's warplanes dropped bombs, people hiding in shelters start dying due to symptoms consistent with Sarin gas.

tty: Vast media, government and military conspiracy to smear Assad. Opposition forces did it to smear Assad. It was stored in the opposition's warehouse and a bomb hit it.

Who are you going to believe? A person who lost loved ones and their own health in Doumas that night? A simple explanation that Assad yet again gassed civilians?
Not one shred of evidence ever uncovered to show the use of sarin gas.

If there were, you can bet your ass the Americans would be trumpeting it from the rooftops.

Once again, the personal attacks show that you know you've lost the argument.
Not one shred of evidence ever uncovered to show the use of sarin gas.

If there were, you can bet your ass the Americans would be trumpeting it from the rooftops.

Once again, the personal attacks show that you know you've lost the argument.
Tell us again how that whole novichuk thing was a false flag.

Uh, yeah, just like the Carter Foundation.

Hi Tty! Hey, you haven't answered any of my questions. Why are you such a dishonest coward?

You claim reporting done by Pulitzer prize winning journalists is fake news.

You ignore the OPCW's own admission they left the engineering report out of their final analysis, which discredited the whole thing.

Apparently you can't tell truth from lies so you just believe what you want.

I won't stop you.
You claim reporting done by Pulitzer prize winning journalists is fake news.

You ignore the OPCW's own admission they left the engineering report out of their final analysis, which discredited the whole thing.

Apparently you can't tell truth from lies so you just believe what you want.

I won't stop you.
Yeah, and I also claim that the Carter Foundation didn't "certify" Maduro's election which you are still on record as claiming. So put up or shut up you coward. Post the sources.

It's pretty easy to do shit like that Tty. Just put words in somebody else's mouth like this... your daughter says that you are a total piece of shit who abuses women in order to earn you money through prostitution at great risk to themselves because you are incapable of doing so on your own having neither held a job nor grown a gram of good weed. She is glad to be an ocean away from you.

As far as your Pulitzer Prize winning being a guarantee of always printing accurate news... you must be kidding. For you to even make that claim shows that you know how utterly devoid of merit your position is.
Tell us again how that whole novichuk thing was a false flag.

Funny how Kim Jung Il's nephew died immediately from exposure to a nerve agent (VX), but in spite of the claim that a 'persistent nerve agent' was smeared all over the Skripal's front door knob and cops were in and out of the residence for days without so much as gloves on but none of them took ill...

None of the 'victims' ever died; Not the Skripals, not the cop who came to the scene, not the initial contact- who by amazing coincidence was not 'just a nurse' but in fact was the head of the chemical lab Portmund Down.

The announcement of the use of 'novichuk' (not the actual name of any substance, but it sure sounds Russian!) WEEKS before any credible lab analysis could be completed.

Whatever happened- and there's a good chance bad shellfish was the actual cause- we have not been told the truth.

The Skripals themselves have refused any media contact, not that such behavior is evidence of anything- but when
Alexander Litvinenko
the former Russian FSB agent was poisoned with radiation, he sure as hell wanted the world to know who did it and why.

You have brains. I thought your discussion of short selling was spot on, no surprise given your Series 7. All I'm asking you to do is use your fucking head and think critically.

The United States and Great Britain have both used repeated false flag incidents to justify their belligerent activities for decades, why do you think it's such a stretch in this case?
Funny how Kim Jung Il's nephew died immediately from exposure to a nerve agent (VX), but in spite of the claim that a 'persistent nerve agent' was smeared all over the Skripal's front door knob and cops were in and out of the residence for days without so much as gloves on but none of them took ill...

None of the 'victims' ever died; Not the Skripals, not the cop who came to the scene, not the initial contact- who by amazing coincidence was not 'just a nurse' but in fact was the head of the chemical lab Portmund Down.

The announcement of the use of 'novichuk' (not the actual name of any substance, but it sure sounds Russian!) WEEKS before any credible lab analysis could be completed.

Whatever happened- and there's a good chance bad shellfish was the actual cause- we have not been told the truth.

The Skripals themselves have refused any media contact, not that such behavior is evidence of anything- but when
Alexander Litvinenko
the former Russian FSB agent was poisoned with radiation, he sure as hell wanted the world to know who did it and why.

You have brains. I thought your discussion of short selling was spot on, no surprise given your Series 7. All I'm asking you to do is use your fucking head and think critically.

The United States and Great Britain have both used repeated false flag incidents to justify their belligerent activities for decades, why do you think it's such a stretch in this case?
You are a comical joke. I don't believe anything you or your sources have to say because you have both been proven liars so often.

The OPCW has not "verified" the "engineering assessment" nor has the Carter Foundation "certified" Maduro's election. Nor can you draw conclusions on whether Putin was behind the poisoning based on it's success. And it did kill one person and subjected others to permanent disability - but I am sure you will chalk this up to a cover up.

You start with a conclusion and then look to confirm it and you are too stupid to realize the effect of this in the modern age. Then you whine and lecture about confirmation bias which is hilarious to us but sad for you.

Oh, and finally, America has told lies therefore everything America does is a lie is not exactly Vulcan logic.

You are the cannon fodder of the information age - just like Trumpers.
You are a comical joke. I don't believe anything you or your sources have to say because you have both been proven liars so often.

The OPCW has not "verified" the "engineering assessment" nor has the Carter Foundation "certified" Maduro's election. Nor can you draw conclusions on whether Putin was behind the poisoning based on it's success. And it did kill one person and subjected others to permanent disability - but I am sure you will chalk this up to a cover up.

You start with a conclusion and then look to confirm it and you are too stupid to realize the effect of this in the modern age. Then you whine and lecture about confirmation bias which is hilarious to us but sad for you.

Oh, and finally, America has told lies therefore everything America does is a lie is not exactly Vulcan logic.

You are the cannon fodder of the information age - just like Trumpers.
Drivel, backed up by off topic assertions you didn't research, of course 'all the sources are wrong'- but you show no evidence of that and then finished off with a healthy dollop of ad hominem, hoping no one will notice your hokum.

Do you take notes on how Fix News operates so you can snow people here? It sure looks like it, because you're using all their tactics.

I'm not the bullshit artist here.

Maybe you should just stay in your lane, stocks boy.
Drivel, backed up by off topic assertions you didn't research, of course 'all the sources are wrong'- but you show no evidence of that and then finished off with a healthy dollop of ad hominem, hoping no one will notice your hokum.

Do you take notes on how Fix News operates so you can snow people here? It sure looks like it, because you're using all their tactics.

I'm not the bullshit artist here.

Maybe you should just stay in your lane, stocks boy.
Ok. Show evidence that the Carter Foundation "certified" Maduro's election.

You are a propagandist's dream.

"Stay in my lane?". What's your lane, Try? Tell us.
Wrong thread, distraction boy.
So you can't.

And you are claiming that it is because this isn't the Venezuela thread despite the fact that my request directly addressed your claim.

You have to know how weak you are. Everybody else does but you aren't exactly bright, are you?
So you can't.

And you are claiming that it is because this isn't the Venezuela thread despite the fact that my request directly addressed your claim.

You have to know how weak you are. Everybody else does but you aren't exactly bright, are you?
Distraction and ad hominem.

Thanks for telling everyone you have no argument on this topic.
Not one shred of evidence ever uncovered to show the use of sarin gas.

If there were, you can bet your ass the Americans would be trumpeting it from the rooftops.

Once again, the personal attacks show that you know you've lost the argument.
What do you expect? Sarin doesn't last. It quickly breaks down shortly after being activated by a co-reagent. Dumbass. Did you get that line about "no evidence" from Assad's people or Putins? How not clever of you.

We do have records of dead bodies though. We do have eyewitness accounts of what happened. The accounts, photos, doctor's observations were all consistent with both chlorine and sarin. It killed kids who were hiding from the bombing in basements. Assad doesn't care though. Neither do you. The records and images weren't trumpeted from rooftops, they were recorded at the hospitals where people were brought to be treated and made public through the internet by the people who were there. The record is so complete, Assad and Putin launched a major counter propaganda campaign. You are one of its targets. Dupe.

"the personal attacks" Now that you mention it, take a look at my post, pimp. There wasn't a word about your past record of beating and abusing a woman then sending her into hotel rooms to whore for you after which you took the money from her. So, now, every post of mine contains an accusation whether I say so or not? My earlier posts must have cut you deep.
What do you expect? Sarin doesn't last. It quickly breaks down shortly after being activated by a co-reagent. Dumbass. Did you get that line about "no evidence" from Assad's people or Putins? How not clever of you.

We do have records of dead bodies though. We do have eyewitness accounts of what happened. The accounts, photos, doctor's observations were all consistent with both chlorine and sarin. It killed kids who were hiding from the bombing in basements. Assad doesn't care though. Neither do you. The records and images weren't trumpeted from rooftops, they were recorded at the hospitals where people were brought to be treated and made public through the internet by the people who were there. The record is so complete, Assad and Putin launched a major counter propaganda campaign. You are one of its targets. Dupe.
But no evidence of any victims of sarin. Also, lots of people handling the canisters, the 'victims', etc with no PPE. Fuck, there's video of a reporter sniffing a backpack and saying it smells like nerve gas! LMAO

Believe what you want. Goodness knows you're impervious to facts.
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Leaked OPCW report suggests Syria gas attack was ‘staged,’ MIT scientist says

Renowned MIT scientist Theodore Postol says a newly leaked OPCW report shows the supposed 2018 gas attack in Douma, Syria was “staged,” undermining the case for US strikes on the Syrian government.

By Aaron Maté

A newly leaked OPCW assessment challenges the claim that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in Douma in April 2018. Award-winning scientist and MIT professor emeritus Theodore Postol says the report shows the gas attack was “staged,” and undermines the case for the US strikes that followed.

“The evidence is overwhelming that the gas attacks were staged,” Postol said in an interview with The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté.

Postol continued: “If I were advising somebody, as I did when I was in the Pentagon, I advised the chief of naval operations, and part of my job was to take technically detailed analysis and translate it into information that could be readily understood by an intelligent non-expert, so if I were briefing the chief on this particular document, I would not caveat it quite the way that the [OPCW] professionals did, although they did a good job. I would simply say that the evidence is overwhelming that the gas attacks were staged, and then I would explain why this evidence is overwhelming.”